
Expert: Fiscal 2024 Budget Battle for Finance

Sudan Events – Nahid Oshi

In the view of economist Dr. Awadallah Musa, the fiscal 2024 budget, is the real battle to restore things to normal.
He said the coming budget must be a flexible emergency budget that meets all the requirements of the stage, including policies (financial and monetary) and measures that mitigate the impacts of war and absorb and address all forms of devastation or destruction in all sectors (banking/industrial, commercial / service…etc.) as well as addressing the severity of inflation gradually. It also must manage the printing of a new currency in Sudan to address and control stolen money, counterfeiting and all the negatives associated with currency and cash.
He stated that the Sudanese people aspire for the upcoming budget to be free of any vertical increases in revenue sources (customs / taxes / government fees / service fees… etc)provided that it creates incentives that address all the impacts of the war in the sectors and
addresses the payment of arrears of salaries and wages for state workers, seeks to return producers to the production sectors, intensifies agricultural production to secure food, increase exports, and reduce imports, thus achieving a reduction in demand for hard currencies and contributing to reducing inflation, as the people have been waiting for.
He added that the budget should include unconventional methods of managing, financing and implementing development, as well as the work of establishment and institutions that provide state services and some strategic commodities, taking care of the private sector to overcome all the impacts of this war and return to normal.
The Economist said that 2024 is a year that cannot tolerate mistakes and wasting time.

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