
War Impacts Crop Prices

Sudan Events – Rehab Abdullah

Sesame trader Ahmed Abdul Rahim Al-Awad attributed the decline in sesame crop prices in the states of Sudan to the current conditions in the country. He stated statements to Sudan Events that the war between the Sudanese army and the Rapid Support Militia has repercussions on the overall commercial activity and other fields, and he justified the increase that occurred at the beginning of the harvest season and the quintal reached 75,000 pounds due to the continuous rise in the rate of exchange of the dollar and other hard currencies, adding that after the exchange rate stabilized, the intense competition that was accompanying the sesame trading market stopped.
He indicated that sesame prices are always linked to several factors, the first of which is the exchange rate, the international price of sesame, security stability, and fourthly, fees, taxes, and the cost of handling, sieving and transport.

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