
On what is Hemaidti going to negotiations …what Agenda?

As I see it

By Adil El-baz

Just for the sake of argument, let us suppose Al Burhan has met Hemaidti, what will be the negotiations Agenda? As much as I could think and ponder about the possible agenda that Hemaidti is going to discuss with president Al Burhan, I have come out in bewilderment and astonishment. let me try to bring together the possible agenda scattered within his statements\
Let us start with the Islamist item, those are required to be taken back to prison and be swept out of any position, their money and their properties be confiscated and they be persecuted
The second item
The item on security and military reform, to clean the army off all islamist and to merge the army itself in the Rapid Support Forces, or say fifty fifty, including troops and leadership
The third item: formation of a civilian government to be fully controlled by his allies, the Forces for Freedom and Change (FFC)
5 fourth: this is the most important amongst them, compensation for the RSF on losses incurred in billions, staying away from its properties and riches which currently stand at 31 trillion dollars, according to latest figures.
I just imagined that these are the items the commander of the rebellion will submit for negotiations in order to reach a settlement for ending the war. These agendas and others that are scattered within the statements he made and I would expect that these agendas will be put to the table for negotiation by the commander of hate rebellion as he would be under the illusion of coming out victorious against the army and therefore has the full right to impose his conditions.
The question to be asked about these items is that are these issues to be negotiated. these are items that call for negotiation that will end up by handing him over the state, him and his allies to do whatever they wish to do therein
Let us have a profound check and look at those items and the possibility of materializing any of them. for example, how could negotiations be conducted on arresting the islamists who are currently fighting along the lines of the armed forces and the resistance committees… who can, rather who dares, put such an item within the items of negotiations are they going to accept that they be brought to guillotine for slaughter, to do that while they have arms within their possession? Will they accept to be brought to this level of humiliation and be slaughtered? They who fought in the south and sustained thousands of martyrs? And if in the end they were going to die anyway, at the hands of the Janjaweed, then why are they going to hand over themselves and die inside the prisons. What I know very well is that they would prefer martyrdom in lieu of surrendering. And if this takes place then the army will have to first fight the islamist, and will it do that particular that the islamist officers within the army will be served the same fate like their other brothers the movement they surrender the preconditions of the militias.
Forget the Islamists, will the national officers of the army accept that Hemedti, Abdel Rahim, and the rest of the savages rise to army command? Issue orders to them, and trample on the bodies of thirty martyrs at the doors of the command? At that moment when death will be imposed on them, they will approach death without courageously, and this is my belief about them, but as to those who will bow their heads to any agreement like this, they should remove their straws and replace them with skirt ribbons.!!
Will the army leaders accept that their army be integrated into the Rapid Support… and among the RSF those who raped officer’s family, killed, displaced and looted…? I think all the army leaders would prefer to die standing in lieu of lining up to salute Hemedti or Abdel Rahim in the command square, to grant them the military salute in humility posture of defeat. What is manhood, honor and dignity, and how will they look from after that deep into the eyes of their wives, mothers and children, let alone the Sudanese people.
Death will eventually come and spirits are precious
And he who content himself with mandate passion is but an idiot
Now let us turn to the third item, which is the formation of a civilian government made up of FFC and the Janjaweed to run the country indefinitely. Will the political movement in the country accept that FFC activists monopolize power through the Janjaweed, while they remain outside the field, submissive and subject to the will of the Janjaweed? Will the leaders of Western Sudan and its tribes targeted for genocide accept the principle of the state handing over to the FFC elements and Janjaweed, knowing what awaits them once that is done?

We will go to the fourth item which is the wealth of Daglo family you see from where can the people have the riches to compensate the Daglo family when its stooges have looted and plundered every wealth available and left the Sudanese families penniless and impoverished, it is with the funds and resources of the Sudanese people that they scattered it in replenish their ranks from wester African region starting from Daeen up to Wagadougou
Who is going to compensate the Sudanese for the money loss and house looted and wealth destroyed by the mercenaries they brought from the four corners of the world\

Finally, the question arises: Is there a leader or president who can accept any of these terms or negotiate about them, let alone sign an agreement shoulder to shoulder with the Janjaweed?!! I do not think that if anyone dared to do that, he would write his own end, because he would be surrendering at a time when the army and the people are rising to resistance, and then because he would have led the country into complete chaos.

What is the solution then? The solution is for the militia to realize that no matter what it does and seizes villages and cities, and even if it seizes the whole of Sudan, it has no future, and it must now be content with the devastation it has caused, adhere to what it signed in Jeddah, and leave the land and skies of Sudan. The agents and those with sick heats will be surprised by what am saying now, at a time when they think that the militias have won or will win. These people are ignorant of the history of Sudan. How many invaders have passed through the Sudanese land? and how many of them have we defeated in war and peace? The people will fight these savages for a hundred years and will win, and this is God’s promise to the believers, even if the conspirators hate it. Now there is nothing worth preserving in this country except dignity, which the Sudanese will not give up, no matter what the rootless Janjaweed do to their land, money, and honor.

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