
Agar: Roadmap for ending War

Port Sudan/Sudan Events

The Vice President of the Sovereign Council, Malik Agar, has stressed the need to maintain a four-phase roadmap for ending the ongoing war in the country.
This roadmap, he argued on Monday, would first be based on two main pillars namely making an inventory of the issues for negotiations between the army and the rebel Rapid Support Forces, that precedes the next three phases of the roadmap that results in achieving the main objective, the formation of unified Sudanese Army,
He explained that the second phase will be devoted to launching a political process via a national all-inclusive committee, where all participate.
He said as a precondition for its success a serious platform should be made available. He reminded that all previous platform including the Jeddah platform and the neighbouring countries platform have not succeeded in getting the Sudanese people through.
“As to the IGAD, better not to mention it, as it has been hit by the desertification it was initially set to combat” he said, referring to the analogy of its failure to come up with a solution for the Sudan issue.
He said when a serious platform is found, then it has to take into consideration the desire of the Sudanese people to have permanent peace not temporary pauses.
He stressed the Sudanese government will not cease its quest for ending the war provided that such a solution would not undermine the sovereignty of the country, nor undermine Sudan’s national security.
He further underlined that it was imperative that this solution end the status of regional and ethnic rage, marketed by the militia RSF, as it worked to bring tribes at loggerheads with one another, beside coming up with the heresy about the 1956 and the insistence to sell out the propaganda warfare that their battles were aimed to fight the remnants of the outgoing regime in the Sudan.

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