
RSF Beats Up Civilians Complaining Injustice


Sudan Events – follow up

Civilians in Arbiji areas, central Sudan’s Gezira state, have complained of wide range of violations and crimes committed by the RSF militias who entered the area a day earlier, looting and taking away forcefully belonging and cars. But what the civilians complained to a superior, the thieves and looters returned the next day to avenge those who dared to complain about those violations

According to Resistance Committees, reporting from the fields, the Rapid Support Militias said they would return the looted things to their owners but to the contrary what happened was a new wave of attacks, beating and terrorizing the civilians in what appears to be a vengeance campaign during which civilians were arrested beaten up and detained and subjected to interrogation to provide information about their alleged accomplice and who was ate person who contacted a leader of the RSF Aagla Kaikal demanding that he prot3ect the area and to put an end to the relines

The committees said while all this was going on, the pillage and looting crimes and violations continued unabated resulting in stoppage of all vital services including health and business

These developments occurred after the resistance committees made phone calls with top leaders of the militias asking them to reign their elements and to restore order, retuned the looted commodities, belonging and cars which were taken away after the RSF attacked and entered civilian residences and properties.

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