
How Osaif Crossing Benefits Sudan

Sudan Events – Rehab Abdullah

An official in the Export Department of the Ministry of Trade and Supply has underlined the importance of having offices of the Ministry of Trade and Supply at the border crossings.
Yasser Osman, of the Ministry of Trade and Supply’s Department of Export, said that the advantages of opening the Osaif crossing and the national and international benefits, including its helping reduce smuggling traffic, particularly camels.
He said this station is also serving as control point of movement of incoming and outgoing commodities and goods, as well as an inlet for importing Egyptian products.
He called for working to develop a protocol with the Ministry of Trade and Supply, Customs and the Bank of Sudan for the export and incoming gateway, and stressed the activation and increase of the speed of procedures through the government representation of the Ministry of Trade, while setting controls for goods similar to local goods so that the local product is not affected.
It would also help to encourage companies in the mining process, the most important of which is iron, in addition to activating the port to receive ships in the future, whose tonnage reaches 10 thousand tons of iron and other metals.
Yasser explained in his statement to “Sudan Events” that the local benefit to the region from the establishment of the crossing is represented by the creation of a new business chances for the people in the region, in addition to helping to provide job opportunities for the population. He stressed that the mere distinct government presence would spur mining and commercial companies to take up economic activities in the area.

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