
RSF Attacks new areas in Gezira

Sudan Events-Follow-ups

Activists and eyewitnesses said the rebel Rapid Support militia have attacked Al-Mailiq, west of Al-Kamilin, in Gezira State – central Sudan, today, inflicting casualties and injuries.x
Civilians of the city have confirmed that the militia stormed the area using “4WD” vehicles armed with machine guns and armored vehicles, entered the market and firing a number of rounds in what appeared to be a retaliatory campaign, and demanded that the militants from the area hand over their weapons.
The citizens in the area have sent appeals to the army, other regular forces, and everyone who owns weapons to intervene to repel the militia’s aggression.
The Hasahisa Resistance Committees accused the Janjaweed militias of continuing to invade the Gezira and storming Al-Ma’iliq, which left a number of victims and cinjured, and they also arrested a number of young men.
Earlier today, committees confirmed renewed looting operations along the Al-Manaqil-Sinnar unpaved road, and indicated that groups carried out armed robberies with the assistance of the Rapid Support militia in the region.

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