
Popular Resistance: Calls for Retaliation

Sudan Events-Follow-ups

The Higher Command of the Popular Resistance in Gezira State has called on all villages and neighborhoods of the state to respond to the Rapid Support Militia’s aggression against the town of Al-Muaeliq “with all possible methods of resistance and to lift the siege on it.”
Yesterday (Tuesday), the militia invaded the town located in Al-Kamilin locality, using heavy weapons, which resulted in deaths and injuries. The militias also detained a number of civilians.
The leadership of the popular resistance in the state said in a statement today (Wednesday) that it followed the violations of the “Hemedti” militia and its foreign mercenaries in Al-Muaeliq, and the attacks on peaceful citizens who guard their area from the crimes of the militias
It stressed that the Al-Muaeliq crime committed by the Dagalo militia will not go unpunished, and that it is a debt on the necks of the honorable and free people in Gezira State, and “the militia will pay its bill dearly.”

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