
AU High Level Panel: Sudan conflict Resolution


Sudan Events – Follow up

The African Union has announced the formation of a high level panel on the sudan to work on finding a resoljtion to the current conflict in the country.

A statement by the African Union Commission on Wednesday said the Chairperson of the African Union Commission has appointed a High-Level Panel on the Resolution of the Conflict in Sudan

The Chairperson of the African Union Commission, Moussa Faki Mahamat, is pleased to announce the appointment of three eminent African personalities, as members of the AU High-Level Panel on Sudan, the statement said.

It pointed out that Mohamed Ibn CHAMBAS (Dr.) : AU High Representative for Silencing the Guns , is the Chair of the panel which includes Speciosa Wandira-Kazibwe (Dr.) : Former Vice President of the Republic of Uganda – Member and Francisco MADEIRA (Amb.) : Former Special Representative of the Chairperson of the Commission (SRCC) to Somalia and Head of AMISOM/ATMIS – Member.

The statement said the appointment, which takes effect immediately, is in line with the conclusion of the AU Peace and Security Council through communique 1185 (2023) and in furtherance of the AU’s mandate and determination to entrench peace and stability on the Continent.

“The members of the AU High-Level Panel will work with all the Sudanese stakeholders: all civilian forces, military belligerents and regional and global actors including IGAD, UN, League of Arab States, to ensure an all-inclusive process towards the swift restoration of peace, constitutional order and stability in Sudan.” The statement reads.

The statement underlined that while thanking the eminent personalities for accepting to serve the African Union through this important task, the Chairperson “calls on all Sudanese stakeholders and the international community to extend the necessary cooperation and support to the Panel members towards a successful execution of their mandate.”

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