Kordufan: Posting Regular Forces News, Banned

El- Obied – Sudan Events
The Governor of North Kordufan State, Abdel Khaleq Abdel Latif Wada’ullah, has issued Emergency Order prohibiting the publication of negative information and news about the regular forces.
The regular forces in the order refer to the People’s Armed Forces, the police forces, the General Intelligence Service, the anti-terrorism and organized crime forces, and the reserve forces.
According to the decision, it is forbidden to publish any information related to the regular forces, their areas, their bases, their movements by any means of publishing or social media.
It is also forbidden to publish or promote rumors or negative news that impact the morale of the regular forces, casts doubt on their capabilities, insults them or their leaders, or creates terror or panic among civilians.
It stipulated anyone who creates a group or group on any social media platform with the intention of disseminating information about the armed forces or promoting negative news or allowing or assisting in its dissemination is considered to be in violation of this order and will be punished with the penalty stipulated therein.
Anyone who violates the provisions of this order shall be punished with a fine not exceeding (2) million pounds, or imprisonment for a period not exceeding 6 months, or both.
In the event of a repeat violation, a fine not exceeding 4 million pounds, or imprisonment for a period not exceeding one year, or both.