
Taqaddum Meeting … Leaks

News Analysis

Mohammed Wadaa

– If the leaks proved to be true, they will have laid the foundation for dialogue with Taqaddum and any other political forces.

– The resumption of any political process depends on the agreement and consensus of all political and civil forces.

– The Sudanese-Sudanese dialogue is the closest way to ending the war and resuming the political process

– The rights of the Sudanese people to restore their normal lives are undeniable

The Chair of IGAD insisted on introducing an agenda that goes beyond the charters and regulations of the Authority by disposing of the sovereign rights of its founding state. Leaks indicate that the letter, which contained a response from the Transitional Sovereign Council to the request submitted by the Coordination of Civilian Democratic Forces (Taqaddum) to hold a meeting with Lieutenant General Abdul Fattah al-Burhan, President of the Sovereign Council and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, contained the conditions that the Sovereign Council requested to be approved prior to starting meeting, the most prominent of which are:

Any talk about stopping the war explicitly stipulates the eviction of the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) from all cities, villages, citizens’ homes, official state institutions and private institutions,

The return of all private and public looted goods according to clear mechanisms for implementation, and with international and regional guarantees.

The Sovereign Council also stipulated that a mechanism be established to hold perpetrators of crimes and violations against humanity, ethnic cleansing, murder, looting, rape, and the destruction of state and citizen property, be held accountable,

It underlined that provided that the above-mentioned arrangements are followed by the launch of an all-inclusive national consultation process, brining together all Sudanese political and civil forces.

The response also contained the following agenda: How Sudan will be governed, agreeing on the transitional period, its constitutional framework, its formation, its duration… its tasks and programs, agreeing on the foundations and standards for building a single national army, and the police and general intelligence institutions in accordance with national foundations and international standards, the need for all procedures and agreements reached in accordance with binding international guarantees).

Based on the agreement to meet, as part of a meeting with other political forces, came with a commitment to initiate and immediately engage in direct negotiations as soon as these basic and necessary measures are implemented by the Rapid Support Militia.

These leaks, if true, will have laid the foundation for dialogue with Taqaddum and any other political forces, and come in response to the Jeddah Agreement and the need for implementing it, particularly the provisions that stipulate the rights of citizens to return to their homes and recover their property, and this will not be done except by the eviction of RSF militia from homes and streets and the evacuation of cities and civilian real estates. The leaks stated agreement on the foundations and standards for building a single national army. The response included a road map for post-war period in which the President of the Sovereign Council renewed his commitment to a transitional period, the constitutional framework of which would be determined, its time period, tasks, and programs. The leaks confirmed that this matter will not be achieved except in light of broad consultations that include all Sudanese political and civil forces.

Without a doubt, the resumption of any political process depends on the agreement and consensus of all political and civil forces, and therefore any bilateral agreement with any group will not achieve this goal, and it is clear that invoking the experience of the framework agreement in any dialogue will defeat the dialogue project, which is to reach an end of War, restoring security and peace, and resuming the political process leading to general elections,

This vision requires the Sudanese political and civil forces to agree on the post-war constitutional and legislative framework, and this will not be achieved except through Sudanese-Sudanese dialogue, particularly after the collapse of (the IGAD initiative) due to its transgressions that disrupted the continuation of the Sudanese government and the freezing of its relationship with the IGAD with regard to its initiative to stop war, after the IGAD Chair insisted on introducing an agenda that goes beyond the organization’s charters and regulations by disposing of the sovereign rights of its founding state, taking into account that the Jeddah platform is concerned with a ceasefire and the delivery of humanitarian aid and is not concerned with the political process.

If these leaks are true, they may be the last opportunity for all Sudanese political and civil forces to restore their national role, provided that they benefit from the serious mistakes they made, particularly “Taqaddum” by signing a bilateral agreement with the RSF Militia and ignoring the horrific violations and crimes committed by this militia, and that these forces stop being biased towards the militia’s (alleged) project to restore democratic transformation, and show off their depressing image in front of the Sudanese people, by correcting the relationship with them by siding with them in restoring their normal life, the first of which is the people’s right to restore their homes and civil institutions and recover their money and possessions. These are undeniable rights. This is the only way to stop the war and end the suffering of the Sudanese people. Any other way means prolonging the war and continuing the threat of the collapse of the Sudanese state entity.

January 17, 2024

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