
Minerals: Moving mining Waste outside state, Banned 


Sudan Events – Rehab Abdullah

The Sudanese Mineral Resources Company (SMRC) praised the move of the Governor of the Northern State to banning the transfer and moving of traditional mining waste (karta) to other states. The General Director of the SMRC, Mohammed Taher Omar, expressed in a press statement (Friday) the governor’s understanding of the company’s concern about the danger of moving (Karta) and its negative impact on the environment and threats to human life. Mohammed Taher stressed the company’s keenness to maximize mining activities and industries in accordance with occupational safety and health requirements.

The Governor of the Northern State, Abdeen Awadallah, issued an emergency order prohibitimg the transfer and movement of mining waste to other states. The order prohibited licensed parties from transporting and moving traditional mining waste from the Northern State to any other state, and only allowed its transfer from a locality to another within the state’s borders after obtaining approval from the SMRC, provided that the transportation is carried out using sealed containers, taking into account that they do not pollute water sources, agriculture, or anything that causes harm to the environment. The SMRC Limited the treatment process in terms of the appropriate location. The treatment controls are in accordance with the directives of the Ministry of Minerals, and the emergency order specifies the penalties for violators, which are a fine of three million pounds for the vehicle used in the violation, with the confiscation of seized traditional mining waste. In the event of a repeat violation, the vehicle used in the violation will be confiscated for the benefit of the Ministry of Finance and Manpower in the Northern State

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