
Entebbe’ Summit of the Fools

As I see

Adel Al-Baz

The political foolishness of some African presidents has reached its peak when they claimed that it was a summit to address the crises in Sudan and Somalia. Evidence of political foolishness that was paid for in advance does not require intelligence or knowledge of politics to notice it , but rather only requires reading the worn-out communiqués they issued after every summit they hold to no avail.
The “Locust Organization” held four summits around Sudan, and each summit produced worse results than the previous one, until the last summit, the one held fortnight ago, reached its perigee in Entebbe… How and why?
The summit they called for to address the crisis situation in Sudan, and the crisis between Somalia and Ethiopia, was not attended by neither Sudan nor Ethiopia, meaning conducting a ceremony while the master are absent, so it turned into an occasion for political confrontation. This summit reminded me of the hired mourning women wailers “who wail over a dead person who is not a relative of theirs, against receiving cash payment.”
The Communiqué that resulted from the Disrespected Presidents’ Summit contained nine paragraphs, eight of which were devoted to Sudan, and all of them are devoted to calls that have been repeated several times before. They are the same agendas that were issued by previous IGAD summits. For example, the communiqué called for a meeting between Al-Burhan and Hemedti again within two weeks, and these same presidents had issued the same call during previous summit. President Al-Burhan agreed and committed to attend, but the rebel – their ally – did not show up, and those who hid him before decided not to attend. At that time, IGAD apologized, saying His Excellency the Janjaweed rebel, Hemedti, would not attend for technical reasons ! This apology was being made at the same time that these reasons did not prevent him from traveling around Africa,not only that but more : touring within the IGAD countries themselves!!! Didn’t I tell you that this is the summit of fools?
In their communiqué, they once again called for a comprehensive and immediate ceasefire, which was the same call that was previously made in the de-escalation plan adopted by the first IGAD summit. So what is the reason for these repeated and empty calls?!! In the communiqué you also read a lot of nonsense about the humanitarian situation and appeals to the international community to support Sudan in the political and humanitarian fields. They have done this before and reaped the ashes, so neither humanitarian nor international support has arrived.
The most important paragraph that caught my attention in the communiqué of this locust summit says: they“ directed IGAD’S General Secretariat , in coordination with the African Union, to review the road map for resolving the conflict in the Republic of Sudan, which was approved at the 14th regular session of IGAD Heads of State and Government, setting clear timetables; and within one month” to convene a Sudanese civil and Sudanese leadership process towards a democratic government in Sudan.
These foolish people decide, in the absence of relevant people, to lead a Sudanese political process and move towards a democratic civil government in just one month!!!
Can a rational person imagine that a comprehensive political process takes place within one month and by whom? A broad political process that means consultations with all political forces inside and outside Sudan, agreeing on an agenda, then hold discussions around it, reach an agreement between the forces participating in the consultations, and then proceed to form a government…
That means until an Agus hammoured out by the Sudanese parties, with their usual idiocy and sick conflicts over a program and a government… the IGAD locusts will have destroyed and annihilated what remained of the wealth of the Sudanese people with the help of the Janjaweed.!!
Of course, the Locust Organization could seek to appoint the weeds as an official representative of the Sudanese people and ask it to form the government by the former prime minister to complete what he began by destroying the Sudanese state. But suppose they did that, I mean the Locust Organization, and they started a phony political process and formed a government like theirs. What would it do, how would it work, and from where would it manage its work? If their previous government, which was fully-fledged and guarded by the Sudanese army, Rapid Support, and a large sector of the people, had failed and led to the disaster of war, then what? What will this puppet government in exile that has no tools of power, and most of the people are against it do ?
The issue of this locust organization is over, or so it should be. We leave it to its dreams and conspiracies and to continue its support for the rebel and for The weeds of {TAGADDUM} while the Sudanese government is moving forward adhering to the dialogue through the internationally supported Jeddah platform, the outcomes of which impose specific obligations on the militia if it wishes to end the war, and it should not seek any other platform, accompanied by its obligations that must be implemented, and the state’s leadership must listen carefully to the pulse of its people inside and should not listen nor care nor waste its time with those who are of no use for it and who see in it nothing but harm.

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