
RSF Commits New Violations in Gezira


Sudan Events – Follow-ups

The Rapid Support militia (RSF) has carried out a heinous crime in the village of Al-Azaza in Gezira State, west of Fadasi Al-Halimab, upon killing 4 RSF individuals in the outposts of the village at the hands of unknown persons who had no connection to the village – according to the citizens of the village.
Eyewitnesses said, according to the “Sudan Violations Platform”, Monday, that the militia gathered all the men and youth of the village in a field outside the village and they were classified according to age( elderly, sick, young, and among the mobilized youth, minors on the one hand), and everyone in the village was brutally and humiliatingly beaten.
This resulted in a number of injuries as the RSF used live ammunitions.
Eyewitnesses said other young men from the village were arrested.
The witnesses confirmed that leaders of the militia, led by the rebel Abu Aqla Kaikal, came and filmed a clip of the villager after they asked to stand up and shout Allah Akbar, and they were beaten and humiliated in an inhumane way.
Brigadier General Sufyan also asked the villagers to hand over those accused of killing RSF members, otherwise THEY threatened to wipe out the entire village. He said, “We provided food drink to all the village people, and in the end you kill us.”
The families of the detainees said that they did not know the fate of their minor children who were taken to the militia center in the village of Fadasi Al-Halimab, and they held the militia responsible for their safety.

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