Division, Civil War and International Intervention… these Taggadum scarecrows

BY Adel el Baz
In the previous article I argued that Taggadum has only one narrative chewed by all Janjaweed pens, that is: if the war does not cease right away, and by any means and without preconditions, then the consequences would yield in three catastrophes. These consequences are the one I have cited in the first line of this article. In the previous article I dwelt on the issue of division and I refuted their unfounded arguments. And today in this article I will have a look at the issue of civil war, this is the issue and its dire consequences which they ceaselessly continue chewing, as a warning for citizens if they fail to succumb to the Janjaweed preconditions.
Dr Bakri Al-Jak, whom I was in the belief to be one of their wise men, but I was disappointed, this PhD holder (how confused I am about the PhD holders of these end-time scholars) wrote an article entitled (Possible War Scenarios in the Coming Days, January 16, 2024) in which he listed the possible scenarios and said (The first scenario is the expansion of the circle of war). It will reach every inch and turn into a comprehensive civil war spurred by race and ethnicity, but quite possibly regional and international parties may enter into it directly.
Let us ask the doctor… Why does a war produced by the struggle over (political) power turn into a comprehensive civil war based on race and ethnicity?… What are this doctor’s evidence and the reasons that made him expect this scenario? Being a doctor, he must have relied on logical reasons, significant signs, and a reading based on confirmed information!! Right??
Let us listen to the argument of his excellency the doctor who lists the reasons by saying first (the army and the National Congress leaderships refused the Jeddah Mediation and they rejected IGAD)!
When I read this nonsense, I was certain that this doctor had achieved his practical degree in fabricating lies!! Did the army reject the Jeddah platform and failed to adhere to its outcomes, or was it the militia that did that?
Did Sudan reject the IGAD platform, or was it IGAD that slandered it by inviting the rebel to a summit attended by presidents and heads of state only, against all its documents, and before that, the rebel evaded the meeting with Burhan in Djibouti for technical reasons, as we were told by IGAD itself!
Would you believe it that this misleading information was cited by his excellency the doctor, as part of the reasons that would lead to a civil war in the Sudan
The second reason, Al-Jack says, is the failure of the Armed Forces leadership to respond directly to the call of the Coordination of Civilian Democratic Forces (Taggadum) for dialogue.
By God, this means that failure to engage in direct dialogue with weeds (Taggadum) will lead to civil war.!! What is (Taggadum)? Is it a political and social formation, regional or ethnic, and what does it represent?
Bakri Al-Jak, one of the founders of this entity (Taqaddum), knows that it is a combined making up of a group of international villains who have established organizations outside Sudan, and out of which they make a living from Western countries (Al-Afif is an example), and it has no representation or genuine existence inside, and these organizations have joined (FFC) or have recently affiliated under its cloak in order to gain legitimacy, it thinks that it is FFC possesses and owns the required relationships. Soon, the group of organizations of Nour al-Din Satti, Bakri al-Jak, al-Baqir the non-pious and Baldo surrendered to the control of the FFC and their Janjaweed financiers and to their foreign sponsors!
Will the failure of Al-Burhan to meet with FFC lead to civil war? So… good news and long living, Doctor.
But did Al-Burhan actually turned down such a meeting, or did he write an official letter consenting to the meeting, and this was announced by Rasha Awad, a woman suffering from psychological ailment (according to Rabah Al-Sadiq), may God heal her, in an official statement of Taggadum? Why does the doctor fill his articles with nonsense and lies? What is the use of that?
As for sitting with the Rapid Support Command, let this this doctor know that the one who refused to meet with President Burhan is the leader of the Janjaweed. Amazingly, he lies as if people were dead or have lost their minds. You see what is the difference between this doctor and the militia boys who lie morning and evening in social media and in the open internet outlets attempting to exonerate the Janjaweed from… Violations, even from crime of occupying the home of those guys and raping their sisters.!!. The doctor said about these violations (Rapid Support violations, which nobody could, no matter what, deny them), well, if that is the case, then why does Taggadum, forge an alliance with the perpetrators of these crimes, with those specialized in genocide???
The third reason causing the outbreak of the civil war, as the doctor argued, is Al-Burhan’s inclination to form alliance with Iran, Qatar, and Turkey, making the country a destination for ISIS in relation to regional and international intersections. According to the doctor’s understanding, this alliance will lead to a civil war…he is going to drive somebody crazy…god forbids.
It seems that this doctor has not read a single book about civil wars. Doctor, if you are still reading, I will offer you a title of book written by PHILIP ROESSLER.
(Ethnic Politics and State of power/The Logic of Coup-civil War Trap)
This book will be useful to you in knowing how civil wars start in the African continent, as Roessler has field-studied more than 15 civil wars that broke out in the continent. The book was published by the University of Cambridge 2016.
Let us leave behind us the delirium of this doctor, who did not tell us anything that could indicate that we are heading towards a civil war. The armed popular resistance that frightened the doctor most, is mobilization of the residents of the regions to defend their areas without regional or ethnic division. Now, for example, all ethnicities are joining the ranks. Popular armed resistance in all the regions of the North, East, Central and Kordufan, in which all Sudanese ethnic groups live, which makes the resistance an element of unity that nourishes and contributes to national cohesion and strengthening the social fabric. If all the regions of Sudan, with their ethnic and racial components, are now rising up to defend themselves while they are united, then from where will the wind of bad omen come from? What is happening in the sound analysis is a political conflict, not ethnic or racial, and there is no apparent reason now that could lead to its deviation. The people of Darfur, Kordufan, and regions in Sudan are fighting the plundering, usurping Janjaweed, and they are not fighting the Mahariya, the Atawa, or the Rizeigat, who are all now living in peace and security in all parts of Sudan, which is their homeland. In fact, the army that the doctor claims will engage in a civil war is now fighting comprises Nuba who fight alongside the Missiriya, the Danagla, the Rizeigat and the Jaalien against the Janjaweed. Are you aware of the report about Nuba fighting alongside the army in Deling?!
Their usual sick imaginations and delusions do not express the reality, but rather their wishes, and their analyzes are not based on information or a sound common sense, as should have been the characteristic of PhD holders who received western education … But mind you, it is clear now that hearts and eyes are blinded by hatred and stupidity, and by the glitter of the Janjaweed gold and the money of the masters. What more to say!!!!