
Sudan: Turkish Industry Forum Shortly


Sudan Events – Rehab Abdullah

The Minister of Industry, Mahasen Ali Yaqoub, has stressed the need for tightening coordination and cooperation with the GIAD Industrial Group, as it is one of the ministry’s arms that has an integrated mission for reconstruction and to bring about the desired industrial renaissance in the country after the war. The minister appreciated the efforts undertaken by the GIAD Industrial Group in the past period in restarting its work in a number of safe Sudan states. She confirmed during her meeting (Tuesday) with the delegation of the GIAD Industrial Group in Port Sudan that GIAD contributed greatly to creating a qualitative shift in the localization of the national industry, and indicated that the Ministry is counting on the GIAD Group and relying on it entirely for the reconstruction phase of the industrial sector in the emergency plan that the Ministry developed as a corner stone to restart it again. The Minister revealed that an industry conference will be held in addition to holding the Turkish forum in the coming days with the participation of all competent authorities to develop clear visions for the renaissance of the sector and restore confidence to the industry and manufacturers.

For his part, the CEO of the GIAD Industrial Group, Abdullah Abdul-Maarouf, announced that GIAD had restored its work again despite the destruction and looting that affected the group, revealing that 40 cars and 580 motors and tractors had been reassembled and manufactured in Port Sudan, in addition to a partnership contract with the Nile Valley University to establish a maintenance workshop, noting that it had already been completed. It has begun its work in addition to holding an exhibition of the group’s products in Al-Damer, declaring its readiness to work in all circumstances, taking the cities of Port Sudan, Kasala, Gadarif, Atbara, and Al-Damer as focal areas for their work.

The meeting secured the reconstitution of joint committees between the Ministry of Industry and GIAD Industrial Group for the purpose of coordination and cooperation desired to resolve all issues between the two sides

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