
Khartoum: Forming Anti-Crisis Health Insurance Cell 


Khartoum – Sudan Events

The Director General of the Ministry of Social Development, Khartoum State, and the Acting Minister, Siddiq Hassan Freni, have confirmed the integration of roles between Khartoum State and the National Fund for Serving the Citizens of the State.

During his meeting with the Director-General of the National Health Insurance Fund, Dr. Farouk Nour Al-Daim, in the presence of the Director-General in charge of managing the work of the Health Insurance Authority in Khartoum State, Mohammad Musa, he reviewed the financial obligations, debts, disbursement of salaries, expanding field coverage of service provision centers in Khartoum, and the importance of giving the directive of the governor of Khartoum state its utmost importance regarding extending health insurance cards and making them valid in all localities of Khartoum.

He noted that the continued expansion of insurance service for the citizens of Khartoum is a well-deserved reward for those who chose not to leave Khartoum at time of crisis despite the imposed war and to encourage those wishing to return from other states to theirs.

He directed the formation of an anti-crisis cell to follow up on the priorities of the authority’s issues, focusing on field administration from within the state.

For his part, the Director General of the National Fund affirmed their continued support for Khartoum State by virtue of the type of service provided and its relationship to war and casualties, revealing that they will conduct a field visit to the state in the coming period.

In the meantime, the Director General of the Health Insurance Authority in the state confirmed their serious endeavor to fulfill the salaries of the Authority’s employees, in addition to reviewing the contractual relationship with some parties to ensure effective performance.

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