North Darfur: Banking Transactions, Resumed

Sudan Events – Rehab Abdullah
The Acting Governor of North Darfur, Al-Hafiz Bakhit Mohammad, has revealed that a meeting will be held within the coming days with the Head of the Central Bank of Sudan, El-Fasher branch, and bank managers, to discuss how to resume work in banks for specific periods of time.
Omar Hussein, in the presence of members of the Government Council, along with the Director of the El Fasher Local Zakat Chamber, Ibrahim Suleiman, expressed his government’s commitment to securing the headquarters of banks and banks operating in the city of El Fasher so that they can provide their banking services to customers.
Bakhit added that the closure of banks had a significant impact on delaying the payment of salaries to State workers, in addition to harming merchants due to their inability to deposit their money in their accounts, which caused them great anxiety and worry.
The Acting Governor directed the local zakat chamber to open its doors to resume its work in its various locations in order to assist the displaced in shelter centers. He also directed the Ministry of Social Welfare and Development and the Humanitarian Aid Commission (HAC) to thoroughly review the statistics of the numbers of displaced people and centers. He also directed the El Fasher locality and public institutions to take measures to register public property from headquarters and elsewhere, in order to preserve the rights of this generation and future generations, in addition to giving special importance to the computerization of workers’ files. Bakhit added that the state government had submitted a detailed report on the service and humanitarian conditions, especially with regard to water, health and electricity, to the Darfur regional government and the federal government. He pointed out that his government had handed over the total cost of resuming El Fasher water work to the governor of the Darfur region, Minni Arko Minawi, who in turn confirmed the assistance of the state government as well as follow up the issue of restarting water services with the Federal Minister of Finance and Economy, Dr. Jibriel Ibrahim Mohammad. He said that the current stage requires supplying and operating 14 out-of-service wells with solar energy systems, given the high cost of fuel prices and the massive consumption of fuel by generators; He said that it consumes (400) barrels per day to ensure the restoration of water and electrical supply service in the city of El Fasher, based on the engineers’ assurances. He considered the generators’ daily fuel consumption to be expensive, which is difficult for the government to provide, especially in light of the cessation of revenues. He stressed at the same time his government’s endeavors with organizations, water partners, the federal government, and the regional government, to solve the problem of water and electricity in a period of time not exceeding the holy month of Ramadan. Bakhit attributed this during his response to the interventions and inquiries of workers regarding the matter of financial collection by irregular forces to the negative consequences of war, and promised sitting with the regular leaders to discuss this issue in preparation for finding effective solutions to it.