
North Darfur: water shortage solution via Alternative Energy


Sudan Events – Nahid Oshi

The Director General of the Water Sector in North Darfur State, Engineer Abdul Shafi Abdullah Adam, indicated that water services were affected by the interruption of the electrical supply – as a result of the city’s reliance on water to operate sources and distribute water to neighborhood supply lines, which forced the General Administration of City Water to rely on the main drains as an emergency solution to address reducing the gap in the city.
After his meeting with the directors of the water departments, he revealed a plan to continue the work of the drains and increase the amount of water produced by increasing the number of wells, in addition to the sector’s plan aimed at converting to alternative energy to reduce the cost of operation and maintenance, in coordination with the regional government and the federal government.
Abdul Shafi pointed out that the meeting focused on the challenges facing water in rural areas, namely the high costs of maintenance and operation and the rest of the production inputs in general, which reinforces the necessity of switching to alternative energy “solar energy” in coordination with water partners in the state.
It should be noted that the meeting checked the water situation in the centers of gatherings of those affected by the war and the camps for the displaced, as they are critical and emergency areas, and stressed their great need for production inputs, pointing out that they continue to strengthen coordination with partners and philanthropists to find ways to continue water services for the displaced and those affected by the war in the shelter centers.

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