
Goods Supply Position in the River Nile State


Sudan Events – Rehab Abdullah

The Secretary-General of the Atbara Chamber of Commerce, Saif El-Din Moqled, reassured the situation of supplies of consumer goods in the Nile River State, and confirmed in his interview with (Sudan Events) that the goods are flowing very smoothly and available in large quantities from the northern Egyptian ports and the eastern port of Port Sudan.

He justified the increase in the prices of commodities, such as calcium, lentils, and sugar, on the grounds that there is somewhat high consumption as a result of the state being overcrowded with people arriving from war areas and operations zones.

Moqled stressed that despite the availability of quantities, the high consumption had a negative impact on the quantities of supply, pointing out the successive rise these days in the value of the dollar in the parallel market, which negatively affected the prices of consumer materials and goods in general.

Moqled pointed out that the increase in the customs dollar that was announced recently helped disrupt prices in the markets, although it has not been implemented yet.

“It is likely that some merchants will store goods until it becomes clear what prices will stabilize after applying the value of the customs dollar on the ground “,he said.

He pointed out to the new administrative fees imposed by most states (with the beginning of state budgets in the new year), the commercial movement has a direct impact on the price movement of consumer goods and other materials, including flour and bread production inputs such as yeast, the prices of which have greatly doubled and affected the bread industry, which was depends on the local product (Seqa and Sin), which was mixed with flour coming from abroad due to its cheap prices compared to other types of flour, which achieved a price balance.

The prices of which rose, affected the cost of making bread, in which an agreement was reached between bakery owners and economic affairs to amend the value of selling bread from 50 pounds per piece to 60 pounds per piece, which necessitated in this agreement overcoming previous decisions regarding the selling price of bread.

Pointing out that this led to the availability of bread and its flow naturally at the present time.

Regarding the flour commodity, the state’s economic affairs are trying as much as possible to provide a strategic stock of flour in coordination with the Atbara Chamber of Commerce and its contacts with flour suppliers in the state.

Although everyone knows that Egyptian flour has one of its shortcomings, cannot withstand storage for long periods.

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