
5,000 deaths and 50,000 were Arrested in RSF Prisons

Khartoum – Sudan Events
Reliable intelligence reports affirmed that the number of those kidnapped and imprisoned in secret prisons of the Rapid Support RSF militias exceeded 50,000 unarmed citizens, and that the number increased from
5,000 abductees (according to a report published by Reuters News Agency last July) increased to more than ten times, and the number of people who died inside those prisons is estimated at more than 5,000 citizens.
Satellite photos showed an empty plot of land located next to Al-Saha Hospital (south of the airport) Khartoum) that this plot turned into huge graves containing thousands of bodies, as the rebel militia used to bury its victims in the aforementioned place. Hundreds of bodies were also thrown into the Nile and some were left in the open to be devoured by stray dogs. Survivors from the prisons of the rebel Rapid Support Forces RSF reported that they were subjected to torture.
Beatings and insults, and that the rebel detention centers are devoid of the most basic necessities of life, as the food there is limited to one meal consisting of (lentils or pasta), and the food itself is scarce and poorly cooked, with a complete lack of treatment and health care.
Survivors of the secret prisons of the terrorist Rapid Support RSF militia stated that these prisons are distributed between the headquarters building of the Operations Authority (south of Khartoum Airport), the forensic evidence building of the Ministry of Interior, the police training authority building, and the Intelligence School building adjacent to the headquarters of the Operations Authority, addition to Soba prison, which includes Thousands of kidnapped people, a place equivalent to hell itself, according to the testimony of prisoners who spent some time there.

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