
Calls for the establishment of a reconstruction bank

Agencies – Sudan Events
 Former Governor of the Central Bank of Sudan, Musaed Mohamed Ahmed, called for the establishment of a reconstruction bank for the reconstruction of Sudan, noting that there should not be too much reliance on grants and support for organizations in light of the decline in financing tools. He said that partnerships must be activated with the local and foreign private sector, stressing the need to provide security and peace throughout Sudan to begin reconstruction according to clear plans and restore the state to its normal status in terms of institutions. During his intervention in the round table on reconstruction and compensation issues, which was organized by the Sudanese-Egyptian Integration Center under the auspices of the Supreme Committee for Reconstruction and Compensation of the Sovereign Council, Musaed indicated the necessity of developing a medium-term plan related to human development and services, and a long-term plan to provide energy in light of the availability of energy attractions in Sudan (wind, water, solar, and atomic). He considered technology to be the primary lever for all activities, so infrastructure must be provided. He said that development requires mechanisms, and that in Sudan, the legacy of the endowment must be activated and revived, with the need for relations with neighboring countries according to common interests, criticizing at the same time the concentration of services in Khartoum and saying there must be balanced development.

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