Hemedti is a Professional Liar, Professional Killer, Professional Criminal, and a Professional Mercenary

Amjad Farid Al-Tayeb
Those who talk about Hemedti being honest or that he “never lies,” according to what some members of the political club are circulating, and are trying to portray him as a man of principle, and more recently as a champion of peace in Sudan, without personal ambitions for power, as one of them recently stated, are trying to wash history.
The man and his re-presentation in a way that contradicts his history and the reality that all Sudanese live and see today, in a way that is absurd and insulting to the pain and suffering of an entire people caused by this criminal. They are political mercenaries, no different in any way from Hemedti’s mercenaries who carry weapons.
Hemedti is a professional liar, a professional killer, a professional criminal, and a professional mercenary.
He first appeared with the Bashir regime’s campaign to recruit criminals into the Janjaweed militia for the war in Darfur in 2003.
He soon announced that he had rebelled against the ousted Bashir, announced his defection and signed a memorandum of understanding with the Justice and Equality Movement JEM in March 2006. He then signed a similar agreement with the Sudan Liberation Movement SLM led by Abdul Wahid in June 2007, and threatened to invade Nyala, which his forces had already besieged in October 2007.
This Hemedti rebellion was settled in early 2008 by buying him back, so Hemedti returned to Bashir’s fold in exchange for a deal in which Hemedti was bribed with an amount of one billion Sudanese pounds (which was equivalent to $ 440 ,000 at the time), addition to half of this amount for his brother Abdul Rahim, and the inclusion of 3,000 of his men in the regular army with the promise to train and promote 300 of them to the ranks of officers.
Later, Hemedti was re-polished in the context of the Bashir regime’s conflict with Musa Hilal and the Revolutionary Awakening Council, and he was named as the commander of the Rapid Support Forces, RSF which made its first appearance in suppressing the September 2013 uprising, in which the demonstrators stopped, but the Rapid Support Forces RSF shot them despite that, as the scene was described by the Human Rights Watch report.
Rights Watch then. Rapid Support RSF claimed the lives of more than 200 martyrs in its first appearance in the city. It then continued to fill its brutal record with the “Hot Summer Operations” campaign announced in Darfur and the Nuba Mountains in 2014, which led to a serious deterioration in the humanitarian situation beyond all imaginings and limits since the conflict began in 2003.
The United Nations UN mission to Darfur announced the number of internally displaced people in the first three months of 2014 exceeded 215,000, with an unknown number of casualties and a number of villages that were completely looted and burned.
In comparison, the scale of crimes committed by the Rapid Support RSF in the first three months of 2014 exceeded all the atrocities committed in the previous ten years of the Darfur war.
Hemedti continued his internal conflicts with the criminals of Bashir regime in their competition over who was the most criminal.
He entered into a conflict with Ahmed Haroun and with the army leaders, who continued to criticize the presence of Hemedti’s militia outside it as a separate force affiliated with the security apparatus at the time.
He defeated Lt.Gen. Ismat Abdel Majeed Abdel Rahman, the Minister of the Interior, who Hemedti’s militia was accused of insecurity in Darfur at the time.
He was later dismissed and forced to leave the country, and he imposed his influence to the point of forcing the Bashir regime to arrest former Prime Minister Sadiq al-Mahdi following his criticism of attempts to impose and legalize the presence of the militia.
Later, Hemedti lost his greatest ally in the ranks of the regime (Taha Osman Al-Hussein), director of Bashir’s office, and the architect of Hemedti and his forces’ participation in suppressing the September 2013 uprising with all that documented brutality. Taha Al-Hussein was dismissed in 2017, then Hemedti’s other ally, Abdel Ghaffar Al-Sharif (Director of Political Security in the Security Service and the security staff of the Islamic Movement in the student sector who supervised the regime’s brutal crimes against the student movement, the most famous of which was the assassination of the martyr Mohamed Abdel Salam, a student at the University of Khartoum in 1998), followed.
In early 2018 ,The two criminals took refuge from the oppression of the deposed regime in the struggle against the beasts of the jungle, with the influence of the Emirates, which worked to release them and then moved to reside there in an official announcement of the full-fledged workforce that included and still includes Hemedti and his forces.
This coincided with ( Muslim Brothers ) known as Kizan Parliament’s approval of the Rapid Support Forces RSF Law in 2017, which placed it under the command of the Sudanese army SAF.
The matter created fear for Hemedti, who witnessed Bashir regime’s dealings with Musa Hilal, who ended up in prison, which prompted him to side with change when the hordes of the revolution threatened the foundations of the regime.
On his part, Hemediti and the army leadership, on the other hand, joined the revolution’s locomotive, accompanied by a passenger, after its victory had become a reality, and its revolutionaries were besieging the General Command buildings.
Hemedti imposed himself as deputy head of the military council, relying on his weapons to raise his ambitions. Then he had dreams of more power, so he broke the covenant by closing the page on the past, and contributed greatly to inciting, planning and implementing the massacre of dispersal of the sit-in.
At the direct instigation of the UAE which had since begun to fear power, given that it owns everything it puts in the country, and its entire law, through which it continues to control with Sudan, ends.
A crime partner patrol under global and regional pressure, and the transformational matter proceeded to bring about a political event.
Hemedti signed a transitional period as a compromise that breaks the course of the closure. Hemedti and with assistance of his partner at the time and his rival now, Al-Burhan, assumed himself as head of the Transitional Sovereignty Council TSC without any agreed-upon independent or constitutional reference, and this was interpreted as the internal arrangement in the Sovereignty Council TSC .
However, this internal arrangement entails protocol arrangements that Hemedti exploited to the maximum extent in consolidating his power and cooperating with the executive branch.
Hemedti took advantage of this change to circumvent economic control, enable and increase more powerful financial support, and became involved in gold smuggling and labor trade and to exploit state resources and even lands and homes.
It suffers greatly from the interference of its alliances with areas on the one hand and with the SAF on the other, while it still loses in consolidating its external relations as a military actor independent of the state apparatus.
He was helped in this by the conflicts within the civilian camp, some of whom were not ashamed to seek help from the influence of the military – an army and a militia – for their political ambitions.
It was not long before he returned to his habit of breaking vows to fully participate in the students’ planning of the October 25, 2021 coup, which he accompanied.
Immediately upon completion of the vision, he rushed to the diplomat to promote it and strengthen its foundations. He immediately traveled to the beginning of the beginning of its invasion of Ukraine, declaring his support for Russia, then he traveled among the Gulf states to mobilize support for their coup and market the sale of the country in exchange for providing support for what they called (corrective measures), which is a fully-fledged coup.
Then the competition began among them, between his partners, for the spoils of their adventure. I began to search for new allies and found them in some of the areas that they sought help from and sought help from in the classes of the transitional period.
They sought help from them to justify their attempt to gain power and then ignite the war after that, under the supervision of the cutters, who got rid of them.
Who have mercy on them!
Hemedti engaged in his war, and the mercenaries of his militia occupied and plundered it, raped women, and destroyed sustainable life, while he and his flag trumpets spoke of civil rule and the restoration of democracy, and spoke of the flow of humanitarian relief, necessary and necessary, while his soldiers looted the warehouses of the World Food Fund and the rest of the relief organizations wherever they found them.
Jeddah sent more than ten messages calling for hostilities, none of which he committed to. He talked about ending the institution of discrimination, establishing a state that understands and equality, and realizing the rights of the marginalized, while his forces killed Khamis Abkar and mutilated his body amid cries of racial superiority, then used their weapons among the Masalit community to kill, exterminate, and rationalize on a conceptual and ethnic basis.
He announced his readiness to meet with Al-Burhan, according to the mediation of the leaders, only to learn at the last minute that he had evaded the meeting due to technical circumstances that prevented his arrival in Djibouti. However, these alleged circumstances did not prevent his arrival in loss to Addis Ababa, where he took advantage of the frivolity of the Front of Advancement for (Hamdala Al-Salameh) and fell in with him in January 2, 2024. Even here, Hemedti did not stop his habit of breaking covenants and not adhering to them, so his militia continued to wreak havoc, plunder, and terrorize the villages of the island, which it determined before the conditions of necessity for those who had the right to do so. He also agreed with Hamdok that it would happen by improving humanitarian conditions, and exactly a month later, telephone and Internet communications were cut off. From all parts of Sudan to cut off the last lifeline of the Sudanese, through which humanitarian relief was coordinated.
But it was not enough this morning for Hemedti to appear quickly in the public sphere, which is devoid of many details that there is no room to mention, and it is necessarily known to combat those working in public work, to convince against freedom and change because of their efforts to convince people by force, a man that Hemedti is peace and that they serve him in Sudan without ambitions. a personality! Mohamed Hamdan Daglo (Hemedti), as his history tells us about him, is a professional liar, a professional criminal, a professional killer, and a professional mercenary! No one was safe from him except his sting!