
Al Burhan : No Political Process , Before the End of the War

Gedaref – Sudan Events

President of the Sovereignty Council TSC , Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces SAF Lt. Gen. Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, said that if the war does not end, there will not be political process.

He added, while addressing yesterday non-commissioned officers and soldiers of the 2nd Infantry Division in Gedaref State, how can an agreement and peace be made with someone who does not commit and every day has an opinion, so we say there will not be peace until after end of this rebellion.
His Excellency saluted the commandment of the armed struggle movements that sensed their concern and united with the rest of the Sudanese, indicating their actual patriotic attitudes without hesitation, and making it clear that the armed movements and regular forces are all united by the heart of one man.
President of the Sovereignty CouncilTSC and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces SAF sent a message to politicians who talk about warmongers, saying that warmongers are those who carry weapons and attack citizens, adding, “Warmongers are those who search for weapons from outside the country to kill Sudanese with them.”
In his speech, president of the Sovereignty Council TSC the Commander-in-Chief, affirmed his statement to the other party that says no to war and calls for peace by expelling the rebels from people’s homes and cities.
President of the Sovereignty Council TSC and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces SAF pointed out that the battle has now taken on a different firm than the past ten months, and the battle has now become important and obligatory, because we went for peace in Jeddah and many commitments and covenants were agreed upon, but no one implemented them.
During his visit to Gedaref State, the President of the Sovereignty CouncilTSC also inspected the forces stationed in Al-Faw locality.

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