Sudan: Exporting 118, 000 Sheep Heads

Sudan Events – Rehab Abdullah
During the past week, the port of Osman Digna received 7 livestock ships. The Marine Ports Authority began preparing two ships to facilitate the movement of ships. The port witnessed remarkable activity in the movement of passengers, refrigerators, goods Boxes, imports, and vehicles, in addition to exports of livestock, onions, and alfalfa. The port also witnessed the arrival of large quantities of Livestock for export.
During their visit to Digna Port, the Director General of the Sea Ports Authority, Captain Mohamed Hassan Mukhtar, accompanied by the Commander of the Red Sea Military Region, witnessed the export of large quantities of sheep on the decks of three ships, amounting to 118 thousand heads, at a time when statistics indicate the arrival of large numbers of livestock to the veterinary quarantine in preparation for export.