
Arman and Silik… Janjaweed Twosome

As I See

Adil El-Baz 

Glory be to Him who made them say the truth. Finally, Yasser Arman and Khaled Silik went out to the public yesterday in urgent tweets to condemn the crimes of the Janjaweed in Gezira. Now, after two months of wide-ranging storming. Now, No…
After seizing more than fifty-five of the peaceful villages of Gezira and killing hundreds, after raping its women and plundering everything that moves there…and these leaders, in times of great heedlessness, continued to watch live what was happening in their homes and their families, and took refuge in silence, they did not have the courage to go out in public and demand their allies in the Janjaweed leadership, asking them to stop continuing the madness they are having throughout Gezira… But immediately after their family’s honors were violated, they went out begging the Janjaweed leader to stop his crimes… And why should he stop? When did he stop since the beginning of his damned war? Why does he stop committing his crimes only in your homes, when his crimes have spread throughout Sudan… Or have these leaders not heard of these crimes of his?! When these crimes were genocide, they were called violations, but the same violations on Gezira have turned into crimes now because they are in the homes of their families!! The misery of your disgusting racist and regional biases.
Why should the last Janjaweed stop his crimes now? When his multiple crimes began in Darfur, you refuged to the suspicious silence and hid under the phrase “No to war,” that despicable and cowardly phrase, in order to provide you with the cover of escaping from the condemnation of the Janjaweed. Then you began to justify the war itself as a war against the remnants, and you identified with the statements of Izzat Al-Mahri, with what he seemed to be evading the state of 56, and you are its unrighteous children. But I really have to ask: whose children are you? Children of the Janjaweed diaspora, children of the secular West, or children of the evil state? Children of those we are confused about.
Why should the Janjaweed stop now when they find your support and media support in all your platforms and tweets, to the point that we no longer differentiate between them and the Janjaweed platforms, as they are completely identical with the Janjaweed’s statements, justifications, and arguments?
Why should the Janjaweed stop when you sign agreements with him, give him political legitimacy, work on his return to the political landscape, and dream of returning to the forefront of the scene, carried in his “Thatcherite vehicles, but too late!
Why should he stop when you were unable to advise him, let alone force him to leave people’s homes in Khartoum, even after he agreed and signed the Jeddah Platform Agreement?! Do you call on him now to stop killing the people of Gezira and storming their villages that were safe and secure before the invasion of your allies, the Janjaweed Tatars…on what basis?
Why should he stop? What do you represent to him? What is your balance of power? How much respect does he have for you? You know or you do not know that you are nothing more than a vehicle for him and those behind him to achieve his and their goals. The Janjaweed knows that you are powerless, helpless, and have no weight with the people.
he Janjaweed who pays his money and his blood will not stop long for your false appeals whose goal is to absolve oneself of his crimes. The one who blindfolds you with his money stolen from the sweat of the people will not listen to your helpless appeals, because he does not originally care about you and who cares about those who betrayed their country and aligned themselves with the mercenary Janjaweed. Recent history shows that all the traitorous “Karzais” paid the price for their betrayal of their homelands.!!.
It is better for you now to remain completely silent, as the people will not believe you nor will the Janjawidi listen to your tweets. After all that has happened, you will be shamed until the Day of Judgment. How could you not? When your people were raped and plundered, instead of taking up arms to defend them, you allied with their killers and rapists, and instead of rushing to their rescue, you kept hiding and chanting, “No to biting.” May God bless our great national professor, Mohammad Jalal Hashem, who stood up and took the position of men as it should be.
What is your practical position when the Janjaweed crimes continue until yesterday, that is, after your tweets? Will you take a practical stance, for example, cancel your agreement with him? Can you wash your hands off him and wash them of the blood he is now spilling in the villages of Gezira? So far, your ally, the Janjaweed, has plundered fifty-five villages, raped their women, and killed their young men and children. After how many villages, you will realize that this murderous criminal, with his despicable actions, has no connection to a civil or religious state, nor a democracy, and nor anything else. How many villages are you waiting for him to declare that they are stormed in order to be certain that your ally is just a murderer, a predatory rapist, and an aimless rapist? How many for God’s sake?

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