
Al-Baqir……No, no refuge (3)

As I see

By: Adel El-Baz


In his last moments before he passed away; His friend was lying in that cold room, and his wife was around the death bed, her eyes overflowing with tears as he gargled as the soul reached his throat, pleading with him in those difficult moments to pronounce the two Shahadas (Testimonies) for the first and last time in his life…but he refused (with pride) and remained like this for a long time until passed away, leaving without uttering the two Shahadas. He was loyal to his principles and convictions!!
What is the occasion of this ridiculous story that explores the biography of a man who left the world with something that he and his family did not like? You have to ask Al-Baqir Al-Afif… the friend of the deceased… what a bad friend!
Imagine that Al-Baqir wrote this story as a famous article for him, and the electronic media raged, and he deserved all the curses that were directed at him that day.
Al-Baqir intended to defend his friend’s principles in this stupid, reprehensible, and disgraceful way, which aroused the anger of a large segment of the Sudanese. In such moments, the Sudanese devote themselves to praying for those who need them most.. And even if what happened had happened, is there reason, farsightedness, and common sense in a society like the Sudanese society to tell such a story?!
How I wished that he would deny this absurdity about the man’s history, with his story, he removed his friend from religion and Islam completely and in detail.. What an ignorant friend “He is just a cock that breaks utensils”.
I return to Al-Baqir’s article. After the insults he hurled and after the epithets he directed at the author of this article, which we reviewed yesterday, a strange state befell him that confused me. He began filling the article with Quranic verses and quotations from the texts of the Qur’an, with and without occasion.
How and Why? I do not know, but he began with Surah Al-A’raf (And if you call them to guidance, they will not follow you. It is the same to them whether you invite them or you remain silent. (193) And by them he means the “Kizan” asking them to follow him, but he did not clarify on what school of thought they should follow him? Never by God that Kizan follows him as long as he adheres to his known doctrine!!
Then he goes on to Surat Al-Baqarah verse 54 (So repent to your Creator and kill your own souls. That is better for you with your Creator, so he will forgive you. Indeed, He is the forgiver, the Most Merciful) then goes on to verse 50 of Surah Al-Muddaththir to describe Kizan who, he said fled from the Janjaweed as if they were frightened wild donkey fleeing from a hunter!! Check, who are the people fighting the Janjaweed in the Al-Baraa Brigades now? Then he returns, displaying the Kizan in one of the verses of Surah Al-Baqarah 205 (And when he turns away, his effort in the land is to make mischief therein and to destroy the crops and the cattle, and Allah likes not mischief).
In the first paragraph of this article, we saw our friend admiring the principle of his friend who refuses to repeat the testimony that there is no god but Allah (as he claimed), and in this article he mobilizes and cites the clear verses of the same God (Allah) from His decisive revelation.
Does the Al-Baqir Al-Afif believe in one God or in two different gods, one of which does not exist (there is no god), as in the case of the friend whom he admires, and another god whose verses he uses to use against the Kizan?
What is this Qur’anic state that befell Al-Afif? It seemed to me that he had turned to a merciful God when he was afflicted by illnesses and afflictions, a praiseworthy and stable return, and God rejoices at the return of His servant. Our Sheikh Ibn Ata Ellah Al-Alexandri says (Whoever does not approach God with gentle kindness will be chained to him with the chains of testing)… The man remembered the days he had spent In the shadows of the second message!!
But tell me, how can I believe this unchaste hypocrite who deceives the world in order to destroy it with religion, while he has no mind, no manhood, and no religion? Yes, by God.. As for his mind, we have uncovered its cover in the first paragraph. As for his religion; So tell me, by God, if he believes in a religion, what religion is that that accepts funding homosexual activities? The Qur’an that he quotes overflows with condemnation of (the people of Prophet Lut), so can anyone with a shred of religion use his position, which is for enlightenment, as a platform for defending the rights of homosexuals? There is no doubt that the betrayed friend is fidgeting in his grave now.
What a religion and what revolution is this whose government removes the Holy Qur’an Association and turns it into a home for homosexuals? And the association’s funds are clearly plundered to finance their activities? At that time, the unchaste director of the Enlightenment Center remained silent and did not mobilize the Quranic verses against the dismantling committee (May God curse them) in order to defend the Holy Qur’an Association, which had been tainted by the activities of homosexuals.. And where were the verses of the Qur’an that were present against Kizan now and absent in the presence of homosexuals?! Do you think Allah caused the earth to swallow up the FFC rule earth because of and easy sin? “Consider not that Allah is unaware of that which the wrong-doers do”
Al-Afif concluded his article by repeating a miserable and ridiculous prayer against the people (O God, do not raise a banner for the Kizan, nor achieve a goal for them, and make them an example and a sign for the worlds)… I had asked his FFC friends not to repeat this prayer because it would make them laughable before the worlds.. How?
During the days of the revolutionary dance of ferment, they denied God completely and completely, let alone His law and rule. Rather, they even denied His name. They refused to let His name, the Almighty, be at the forefront of their constitutional document. They said: There is no room for the name of God here. Why?
Because the basmalah (In the name of God) and prayers upon the Prophet are the legacy of Kizan, not worthy of the new era of revolution, and then these beginnings remind us of the era of injustice… May God not return them back!!
At that time, those claiming enlightenment did not come out with the clear verses with which Allah started His Qur’an, and every action that begins with something else is amputated. Likewise, the Constitutional Document began amputated and with unknown parents it was not in the name of God.. I remembered a beautiful verse of poetry by Amr ibn Rabi’ah (Laila said in the name of Allah which I first met her , what a nice darling that started with His Almighty name).
This is the God whose name they simply refused to put in a trivial document that is not worth the price of the ink they poured out, the same God they call on now, after their scent has gone and their document has been scattered, to make the Kizan an example and a sign for them!!
The strange thing is that the more their pride rose with this nonsense supplication, the more God raised the banners of the Kizan and the higher their status in the eyes of the people, Glory be to Him. Did you not see their banners raised high at the front of the regiments of the mobilized? Did he not achieve their goals by collapsing the FFC authority and make the Kizan heroes in the eyes of the Sudanese who rose to defend the homeland and the honor of Sudanese women? Did he not make their enemies an example and a sign? Homeless outcasts in Diaspora, haunted by charges of treason, collaborating, and subordination to the Janjaweed…with all the implications of murder, plunder, and rape? Is it possible, people, a God whom you deny in the evening and call upon at dawn? Of course, there is no vodka or gin behind the matter, but I wish I had known that Al-Faki who brought you the local wine for free.
To be continued ……. Al-Baqir!

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