
Democratic Bloc: Security Council Resolution is a step in the Right Direction

Sudan Events – Agencies 

Dr. Mohamed Zakaria, spokesperson for the Democratic Bloc, said that the Security Council’s decision to establish a truce during the month Ramadan moved in the right direction, sensing the tragic reality in Sudan.
Dr. Mohamed Zakaria explained in an interview to Radio Dabanga that the Democratic Bloc and the Justice and Equality Movement ( JEM ) declare their support for this positive trend to alleviate the burden of war on civilians throughout the country. He said that the decision was issued at an ideal time, expressing his hope that the decision would be extended after Ramadan and a comprehensive ceasefire be reached.
He affirmed the Democratic Bloc’s commitment to implementing the agreement of May 11 of the previous year in Jeddah, which demands the rapid withdrawal of support from housing and civilian objects and paves the way for a ceasefire. the war.
Regarding the paths designated by the government for the entry of aid, Dr. Mohamed Zakaria, in an interview to Radio Dabanga, described the government’s request to designate specific border paths for the delivery of aid as a legitimate matter, pointing to the security fluidity that has become corridors for smuggling and supplying weapons.
In an interview to Radio Dabanga, he confirmed the possibility of arriving at a formula for delivering aid, noting that the parties welcome in principle the delivery of relief.
He affirmed that the dilemma is exploiting relief to bring in materials that do not fall under aid, such as weapons.
He affirmed the possibility of overcoming the dilemma by forming agreed-upon committees and oversight mechanisms with the participation of armed struggle forces, organizations and community leaders, with the aim of reaching relief across the border.
He pointed out the possibility of overcoming differences to ensure the flow of aid to ease the burden on citizens.

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