
Hamdok: Expected Meeting between Al-Burhan and Hemedti in Cairo

Cairo: Etaf Mohamed Mukhtar

Prime Minister and Head of the Taqaddam Coordination, Dr. Abdullah Hamdok said that the meeting between Al-Burhan and Hemedti will likely be hosted by Cairo, explaining that they discussed with the Egyptian leadership the possibility of urging Al-Burhan and Hemedti to meet in Cairo to stop the war, “and they welcomed it.
Sudan’s stability is a result of Egypt’s stability, and the collapse of Sudan is a major security disaster.” To Egypt,” he affirmed that they would not stop communicating with Al-Burhan and Hemedti to end the war.
He added: “Egypt plays active roles in resolving the Sudan crisis… and the Manama meetings constituted a major breakthrough, as it brought Egypt into direct negotiations… in general, we are against multiple platforms.” If there is (Jeddah 2), Manama must be a base.”
In answer to Al-Sudani’s question that the Taqaddam Front is accused by many parties of being biased in favor of the Rapid Support RSF Hamdok replied: “We are not biased towards any party.
We wrote our vision and presented it to the SAF and the Rapid Support RSF .
The Rapid Support RSF accepted the discussion and attended. Do we reject it?” He said: “
Al Burhan , at first it seemed that he did not agree to the meeting, and he was insisting that the meeting take place in Port Sudan.
We agreed to sit in Addis.. I told him, let us speak clearly. Your existing in Port Sudan is an abnormal situation.
This war must end. Do you want history to be written? That you are the last ruler of Sudan, and your reign ended and it was disintegrated and destroyed forever?
Al-Burhan is starting to respond.. I do not think that Al-Burhan wants this end for Sudan, and the meeting could be held in Cairo, and the Manama agreements will be a fulcrum.”
He added: “The Rapid Support RSF is what came to the political position of progress, but the failure to implement the agreement undermines its credibility…
The RSF raises correct political slogans, but they do not exist on the ground… We told the RSF that you control areas, and any escapades in them are your responsibility…
The SAF did not He presents a political discourse, and its leaders say, “That’s it,” and the war will not end unless the support ends.
This is politically not good, and increases the suffering of the Sudanese people.”
Hamdok answered Al-Sudani’s question about the fact that the leadership of Taqadum says that Egypt is contributing to resolving the Sudanese crisis, at a time when two official spokespersons for Taqadum are attacking Egypt: “
Taqadum is suffering a lot in the media aspect. I spoke to the leaders of Taqadum, and I told them that choosing Taqadum spokespersons is according to the blocs.” ; It greatly harmed coordination. The task of the media must be undertaken by the people of the media, and speak only according to a vision of progress,” affirming the importance of expanding progress and avoiding (shameless) negatives, and not repeating the mistakes of the past in (restricting the supply).
Hamdok regretted that the world had forgotten about the Sudan issue in the recent period, affirmed that he had not lost hope that Sudan would return better than it was, and said: “The Sudan that we want to build needs greater mobilization and the combined efforts of everyone…no matter how dark the current situation is, the coming is more beautiful.”
Hamdok described in a press briefing: At his residence in the Egyptian capital, Cairo, their visit to Egypt was called ( A key visit).
He explained that it came from the Egyptian government, and they sensed from all the highest authorities in Egypt their understanding of the Sudanese crisis, as the visions came together with them, that there is no military solution to the war in Sudan, and there is no way out of it except Political dialogue, and a single army that preserves Sudan’s unity and stability.
He added that the three most important axes discussed in Egypt are “stopping the war” today before tomorrow, which is the first axis, as the situation is catastrophic and very bad, and there is a famine and refugee crisis.
He went on to say: “The issue of humanitarian aid was also discussed, which is the second axis.
Even if the war does not stop now, there must be an urgent truce, in response to the Security Council, and Egypt contributed to this matter.
It is not easy for 14 countries to vote from the Security Council.”
On the decision… and the pressure on both parties must be greater… and we agreed to put pressure on delivering humanitarian aid and there was agreement…
The situations of the Sudanese in Egypt were present in the discussions, as Egypt hosted the largest number, and there are problems of health, education, visa and residency, and they promised solutions.” .
He stated that there is progress with expansion, but “on two conditions” that it be against war and with democratic transformation, and he added: “People who fuel war cannot be a party to the political process.”
He explained that the Secretary-General of the Arab League affirmed their readiness to host all meetings regarding the war in Sudan. “We told them to help bring the parties of the crisis together.”

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