
The Risks of exclusion

By: Dr. Bahr Idris Abu Garda

It is known that the efforts made by the national forces to bring together the national ranks to preserve the country and prevent it from sliding into chaos and war, but the obstacle has always been the “Forces of Freedom and Change (FFC) Central Council”, and here I do not need to remind you of the many FFC stations and literature on this side until reaching the station ( Either the framework or the war) and its alliance with the Rapid Support militia (RSF) to carry out the April 15 coup, this is not strange to FFC and does not surprise anyone.
But what saddens and amazes a person is that, after everything that happened in this country, part of the national forces and state leadership resort to the same methods in practicing political action (exclusion, misinformation, and seeking to isolate themselves from the armed forces).
Where the forces that tried to establish – I say they tried to establish because according to their final statement they were not able to approve the conference papers and structures according to what was stated in the statement – the National Forces Coordination deliberately excluded the national forces that shared the basic foundations, which are:
– Standing with the armed forces and the popular resistance supporting them to confront the existential challenge of the Sudanese state.
– Gathering the national ranks without excluding anyone to formulate a comprehensive national vision through Sudanese-Sudanese dialogue to solve the country’s current and future problems.
– Strong confrontation of negative foreign interventions that want to hijack the country and control its capabilities.
– Condemning crimes against humanity, war crimes, genocide, and all heinous and unprecedented crimes committed by the militia, and the necessity of holding them accountable, no matter how long it takes.
These foundations and what comes in their context are agreed upon by all national political, societal, civil, religious and youth forces.
Although all national forces agree on these fundamental issues, they lack agreement on a coordination mechanism that would enable them to coordinate their efforts to address internally and externally.
So, this coordination’s primary mission was to strive to achieve this missing mechanism with all transparency and clarity, out of appreciation of the country’s circumstances and i
nvesting in the common ground that was found through agreement on the basic principles.

So what prompted the national forces coordination to work in secret during the past two months until it reached its conference without inviting the other national forces to dialogue and discuss transparently about the coordination?
One of the strange things that we have not yet understood is that Mr. Lieutenant General Malik Agar, Vice-President of the Sovereign Council, had previously agreed to be the head of a national body that includes all the national forces in his capacity as head of the Popular Movement and deputy head of the Sovereign Council so that he could create good communication between the leadership of the state and the leadership of the arm and the national forces with whom he has common ground, but he apologized after the first meeting held at his home.
The most strange thing is that he apologized for heading the body that includes most of the national forces and immediately accepted to be head of the National Forces Coordination (which included a small part of those forces).
After the conference, which was unable to approve its papers and approve its structures, we saw the coordination engaging in intensive meetings with the state leadership, requesting
the armed forces and support from General Intelligence Service to work in the states and other tasks!!
Does the leadership of the state and the leadership of the armed forces have a choice and division between the national forces that have common ground with them?
Did the coordination forces decide to practice FFC Central Council practices of exclusion using well-known devious methods?
We must remind Mr. President of the Sovereignt Council and Commander-in-Chief
Mr. Vice President of the Sovereignty Council, it is important that they be at the same distance between the national forces and not allow any party to mislead them. We must also remind our brothers in the coordination forces that reproducing FFC experiments is of no use.

Port Sudan 15/3/2024

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