
Mubarak Al-Fadil: US Regretful for its support to “Qahat”

Sudan Events – Follow-ups

The head of the Umma Party, Mubarak al-Fadil al-Mahdi, revealed that the former US charge d’affaires in Sudan sent him a letter after the war saying, “The American administration in Sudan made a mistake by insisting on handing over power to the Freedom and Change FC group, the Central Council, without an electoral mandate, and it is a group that has no experience and no political or social support. Therefore, It failed and led to chaos that led to war.
The head of the Umma Party, Mubarak Al-Fadil Al-Mahdi, said that Lt. Gen. Yassir Al-Atta’s speech was strong and included several important messages.
According to Al-Fadil, via a tweet on the “X” platform, the first message is directed to those aspiring to transitional power without a popular mandate, and a second message to some Western and regional powers that made the framework agreement and pushed for the Central Council group to hand over full transitional power and remove the army, and they are the same powers that made “Taqddum” .
Addis Ababa agreement was arranged between Taqaddam and the Rapid Support RSF Commander.
He revealed that foreign powers are still pressuring a settlement that will return the militia to the political and military arena through the Manama platform and are pressuring the army leadership to accept “Taqddum “in Jeddah platform in preparation for handing over power after the war.”

A third message to the Daglo family, the mercenaries, and the countries that support them: “You have no status in Sudan, and the army will defeat you and cut off your roots in Sudan.” A fourth message to the Sudanese people: “Be inspired by your history and unite as your ancestors from all the tribes of Sudan, west, east and north, united behind Imam Mahdi and defeated the colonialists and liberated and established the Sudanese state.

The head of the Umma Party said, “The speech disturbed the Central Council group and their allies, so they attacked him forcefully and tried to interpret Lieutenant General Yasser’s words as a call to militarize power.” He continued, “But the position of the leadership of the armed forces, which is committed to returning to transitional civilian rule, was clear and announced by the Commander-in-Chief and his colleagues in the leadership.”
He explained that civil rule does not mean a shameless monopoly of power. He called for the next transitional executive civilian government to be a national unity government composed of experienced political and professional competencies so that it can face the challenges of reconstruction, economic construction, and peace.

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