
Ghariq Kamal warns of food shortages in Sudan

Sudan Events – Rehab

Vice President of the Sudan Farmers Association – Rain Sector, Ghariq Kambal, criticized the statements of the Minister of Agriculture, Dr. Abu Bakr Al-Bushra, and his reassurances during the agricultural season last year. Ghariq warned that Sudan would be exposed to a food shortage.
Ghariq stated that the previous agricultural season was infested, as it suffered from agricultural pests, including birds and locusts that destroyed the entire crop, as there was a lack of control, whether on the ground or by airplanes. Therefore, he said that the agricultural season was a failure, indicating in his interview with (Al-Ahdath) that the percentage of corn yield is the important crop. Which affects the issue of famine, but its productivity was weak, confirming that the cultivated areas this year were less than before, and that the success rate in the cultivated area reached about 40%, as this percentage was subjected to a very fierce attack from pests, locusts and birds, in addition to the scarcity of rain. However, he confirmed the success of the sesame crop, although he indicated a decline of prices in some areas through the dominance and exploitation of merchants and parasites and the attempt to exploit the product. He added that the cotton crop cultivation this year was very weak and achieved weak productivity.
According to these data, the current productivity does not meet the country’s needs, as he pointed out that the general evaluation of the season is lower than 20% according to their monitoring as farmers who constantly follow the season.

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