
MoH calls for the reconstruction of hospitals

Sudan Events_Nahed Oshi

The Ministry of Health launched a call for the restoration and reconstruction of the reference hospitals that were destroyed during the war, starting with the hospitals in Khartoum State. Focusing on the existing hospitals that were affected by the war, provided that the call does not include the establishment of new hospitals.
The Federal Minister of Health, Dr. Haitham Muhammad Ibrahim said that the rehabilitation will include all health facilities that were operational before the war.
In addition to developing a new health map to build a central health system that can accommodate all states. He stressed that the first stage after the Khartoum is to urgently rehabilitate the destroyed hospitals.
He said in a press conference held in the quarantine hall of the Ministry of Health in Port Sudan, regarding the sabotage that affected health institutions in a number of states, that the appeal will continue for a full year, which is the response phase and the beginning of recovery, pointing out that the ministry launched the call for the hospitals and health centers to resume medical service as quickly as possible, and it opened an account to donate and receive financial and in-kind support in local and foreign currencies at the Bank of Khartoum, Al-Mashriq and the Blue Nile Bank.
He appealed to all philanthropists and supporters inside and outside Sudan to support and rebuild hospitals and medical centres. He also called on organizations, brotherly and friendly countries, the international funds, donors, businessmen, companies, institutions and associations to contribute to the reconstruction of hospitals destroyed by the war. “We are launching this initiative to call for rebuilding our hospitals to save lives and provide treatment for patients in those cities that have damaged hospitals and health care centers, and to expand the support platform to benefit from the support of charitable donors and doctors in the country and abroad.” He added. “The mechanisms must be provided to attract support, with the help of of transparency and monitoring that must be provided to gain trust of donors and to raise fund.” He continued.

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