
Kasha: The reconstruction is the responsibility of the international community

Sudan Events – Nahid Oshi

Former Trade Minister Abdul Hamid Musa Kasha said that war has negative and destructive consequences on the economies of countries, whether poor or rich.
“This is reflected in the overall economic activity and growth in terms of the lack of security and instability.” He added.
“The difficulty of making available resources independent, in addition to the state’s budget deficit in meeting financial obligations for various aspects of spending and providing services.” He continued.
Kasha acknowledged in an interview with Al-Ahdath, which would be published later, the weakness of foreign investments with returns from foreign currencies, the low level of per capita income, in addition to the high spending on war, the weakness of production and productivity in the productive sectors in general, and the lack of foreign exchange revenues from foreign trade exports.
The following is the reconstruction of Sudan after the end of the war. Kasha stressed the difficulty of the government carrying out reconstruction as a result of its exhausted emergence from a war that caused comprehensive destruction of all infrastructure, economic institutions and development projects in light of the fragile economy it suffered before the war.
“The reconstruction process falls on the international and regional community and its financial institutions by virtue of Sudan’s membership in the United Nations, in addition to reparation for those affected by the war.” He continued.

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