
Minawi Moved from neutrality to liberate Khartoum

Atbara – Sudan Events

Head of Sudan Liberation Army Movement SLAM ,Minni Arko Minawi, announced his departure from neutrality regarding the current war between the SAF and the Rapid Support RSF Militia.
A video clip showed Minawi leading a movement of his forces heading from the city of Atbara to participate in the battles to liberate Khartoum and Madani.
Minawi pledged to work with the joint force to stop the violations of the militia supported by foreign mercenaries and restore Sudan’s sovereignty.
He said that foreigners who came from different countries provoked the Sudanese conscience by raping women and seizing homes.
He added, “We are living in a difficult crisis that lies in the attack on state sovereignty and the rights and dignity of citizens,” and continued, “The peak of the crisis we are witnessing in Gezira where women are raped, their sanctities are violated, and property is seized.”

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