
Strategic Expert: Militia’s Arming during the war is Equivalent to that of (5) Countries

Shendi – Rehab Abdullah

Strategic and Military Expert 1st. Marine Lt. Gen. Fath al-Rahman Mohieddin, revealed that the Rapid Support RSF Militia entered its war against the Sudanese state with more than (300,000 ) fighters, that they used in four phases during the war, which almost completed its first year.
Mohieddin said in a lecture presented at Dignity Forum on Shendi TV, on Tuesday, that militias depended in the first phase on their main forces, then popular volunteers (mobilization process) from Darfur and Kordofan, then the Arabs of the diaspora from West Africa, and finally recruiting people from the dependent areas in the capital and those escaping from prisons.
He added that the RSF militias possess large and diverse weapons equivalent to the armament of five countries.
Fath al-Rahman pointed to the SAF were able to deal with all this manpower and equipment with a long-term policy and destroyed the RSF strongand cut off its great capabilities in equipment and weapons.
Mohieddin notes that the War of Dignity, which the SAF invade, ends with a great victory that pleases the Sudanese people.
He said that the SAF are in their best condition since the Sudan Defense Forces (SDF) and they are fighting with high professionalism and occupationalism .
He pointed to the regional and international powers
began to recognize the SAF
, and it is topped in all political and miltary equations. .
Mohieddin affirmed that the main goal of this battle is to dismantle the SAF and to facilitate control over the Country resources for the sake ofnthe international powers.
He said that the war targeted Sudanese person as the only blocking wall against all conspiracies targeting Sudan.
He added that the great supoort of the Sudanese people to the SAF that developed to a popular resistant emphasized the reality of this targeting, and afffirmed to the regional and international powers that the Sudanese people cannot be bypassed in any equation.

He explained that the war began with the strength of the Sudanese people and their armed forces, and that whatever happened in the war, they would review their hostile positions towards Sudan.

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