
The Communist Disavows the outcomes of the “National Ummah and Baath Party Meeting

Sudan Events – Follow-ups

The Communist Party disavowed the outcomes of a meeting held in the Egyptian capital, Cairo, with the National Umma Party and the Arab Socialist Baath Party.
The communist afffirmed in a statement that the meeting took place without the party’s knowledge, and the party leadership at home or abroad did not assign anyone to attend the meeting, and those who attended this meeting represented themselves.
He said that he received inquiries from his membership about the statement that was issued on social media about a joint meeting between the Umma Party, the original Baath party, and the Communist Party on Friday, March 15, 2024 in Cairo, and why he did not publish an enlightenment about it for the party’s membership and the masses? And is it a trend towards forming a new alliance?
He affirmed that the Political Bureau will conduct the necessary investigation and submit the results to the Central Committee.
He added, “We are not in the process of forming a new alliance, as the party is still part of the Forces for Radical Change alliance.”
He noted that the party members who attended the meeting violated a previous decision of the party’s Central Committee not to meet with blocs, but rather to meet with each party separately, and after a specific party assignment, whether from the party leadership at home or the leadership of the party branch in the designated country abroad.

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