
Taqaddum: The Crimes Committed by RSF are Unjustifiable

Sudan Events – Agencies
The Civil Democratic Forces Coordination (Taqddum) denounced the violations committed by the Rapid Support RSF militia in Gezira State, and considered the violations a breakthrough of Addis Ababa Declaration signed between the two parties.
Taqadum said in a statement that it followed the frequent reports that revealed widespread violations against civilians in many areas of Gezira State by the Rapid Support RSF Militia and its allied forces in several villages, and the subsequent forced displacement of the citizens of those villages.
The statement added, “We consider the measures that were taken in those areas against their civilian population as unacceptable or justified crimes against the civilian population, and at the same time they are considered a violation of the commitments signed between the Coordination of Civilian Democratic Forces (TAqddum) and the Rapid Support Forces RSF  in Addis Ababa Joint Declaration in January 2024.” And the provisions for protecting and ensuring the safety of civilians, and working to return them to their homes and places of residence.”
The statement called on the Rapid Support Forces RSF to acknowledge these crimes and fully commit to not repeating the violations, to stop them immediately and decisively, to take transparent and public measures towards all perpetrators of violations, to bring them to a public and fair trial, and to redress and compensate the victims.
The statement affirmed Taqaddum commitment to its continued principled position based on rejecting any violations committed against civilians in any part of Sudan and reaffirming its vision to stop all war violations once and for all by stopping the war, achieving comprehensive and lasting peace, and establishing a democratic civil transition.
It stressed the importance of forming a civil constitutional rule to which the military and civil state institutions are subject, through which the military and civil state institutions, the judicial and judicial apparatus are rebuilt and established, and justice and transitional justice are achieved to ensure that the perpetrators are held accountable, the victims are rehabilitated, the harm of those affected is redressed, and reconstruction is carried out.
It indicated that these demands are measures related to stopping the war and establishing a comprehensive, lasting peace and sustainable democratic civil rule, in accordance with what the slogans of the glorious December Revolution called for.
In this context, the leader of the “Taqaddum” coordination, Khaled Omar Yousuf , said in a blog post on “Facebook” that these crimes, which are reprehensible, are condemned in the strongest form of condemnation, and must stop immediately and not go unaccounted for.

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