
Farmers Sue Insurance Companies

Sudan Events – Follow-ups

The Farmers’ Steering Committee in Gedaref State has announced that it was taking legal measures against agricultural insurance companies and drafting a legal memorandum for the President of the Sovereign Council on the importance of obliging banks to finance the next agricultural season and exempting agricultural gasoline fees from customs, value added, and state fees.
Farmer and lawyer Ahmed Babiker Al-Dhaw Shoula, the legal advisor and official spokesman for the Steering Committee, revealed that agricultural insurance companies were unable to pay compensation to affected farmers and producers for two years even though they completed their insurance procedures.
He said that agricultural insurance companies have begun to falsely take the money of farmers and producers without any consideration. He added that the litigation between farmers, producers and insurance companies will be in the Sudanese courts after we have been patient with them for more than two consecutive years.
Shoula stressed the keenness of the Farmers’ Steering Committee to recover farmers’ funds and rights and to work on implementing optional insurance programs and not linking it to agricultural financing.
The official spokesman for the Farmers Committee said that the committee is continuing to submit a comprehensive memorandum to the Chairman of the Sovereign Council on the dire conditions of farmers and producers after the decline in crop prices and the state’s inability to intervene in marketing and opening exports.

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