
Following the Passing Away of our Comrade Mohamed Nour El-Sayed: In a Baker’s Café you will Meet a Gentle Young Man Named Mohammad Ibrahim Naqud (1957)

By: Abdullah Ali Ibrahim

I sat with Mohamed Nour El-Sayed at his home in Safia Bahri in 2016, writing down his memoirs. He was jealous with them for others. Even with permission, he asked me not to publish it until after his death. And perhaps a long time after his death, as I agreed according to my reading of the text of his testimony to history. He was close to the event scene in the party, due to his known closeness to our ت / Abdul Khaleq Mahjoub. Houses have secrets. I chose two excerpts from what I wrote down. The first section is about his entry into the party as a young man among the founders of the party. As for the second section, it is his account of a close friendship between our professor and a group of politicians from other than his party, headed by Prince Naqdallah, the Ansari leader in the Umma Party, and Sharif Hassan Al-Hindi Al-Qati, the distinguished National Unionist. In publishing the text, I reserved what we had finished recording with his voice. I thank our son Abdul Aziz Ibrahim, who helped me during this mission from A to Z.
Mohamed Nour Al-Sayed said:
Qasim Amin eats the best food on the orders of Abdul Khaleq Mahjoub
My friend and relative, Hashim Abdeen, was imprisoned in Cairo. He came to Sudan in 1954. In 1955, he began to argue with me because I feared the Communist Party. I actually feared the Communist Party. They took a three-month recruitment period. After a while, I was clever, so I arrived at the district committee. (Intervention: The people who were with you, when you first entered, found who and who?). I met Abu Zaid Mohamed Saleh, I met Mohamed Al-Hassan Sharaf Al-Din, and I met my uncle Dafallah Al-Siddiq, my mother’s brother, the same political official from the Bahri region. After that, Youssef Al-Kotch, a civilian walker, came. The political official, Ahmed Mohamed Khair, came. My relationship with Ahmed Mohamed Khair became very intense. He took me to the circle (the party city circle) and I continued in the circle. After a while, my colleagues asked me to search the house of Qasim Amin and Al-Junaid Ali Omar. Fortunately for me, I found a house near me. I took them both to it. “Qasim Amin, with whom I am related,” sat with them. They lived next to me. They kept eating and drinking with me. Shafie Ahmed Al-Sheikh joined us, this period was 1957 at the end of it. We remained friends, we would sit together at night, we would eat from home together. The most important thing was that at this point, Qasim Amin told me: There is a young man in (the café) who is a baker, a young (thin) man you will meet there. His name is Mohamed Ibrahim Naqud. I walked towards a baker and found him sitting at a table. He told me: I will be in front of him (…). How are you, Mohamed Ibrahim Naqud? He said to me: Welcome, come with me. Mohamed Ibrahim Nuqud and I came together. I let him sit for three days with people discussing it so he could become a professional. He refused. I attended this speech, meaning (intervention: This time was coming from?) It came from Bulgaria. He met Al-Junaid and Qasim Amin in the same house, which is next to mine. He sat with them for three days and discussed it until he was convinced. But he refused. In the end, he was convinced. After that, we continued. Later, my relationship with them remained very strong. Ibrahim Zakaria was also in our place. He lived with us. A traveler came, I made him dinner at the Navy Club, everyone came and said goodbye to him and he traveled to Prague. “His picture is here with me.” After that, our whole life continued until the Aboud regime came into being. We were sitting in the Trade Unions Federation, and a group came from it. All of them (that is, those who were arrested in the inspection) were put on trial. I and Qaribullah Al-Ansari fled from the Trade Unions Federation. They arrested Al-Shafie, Qasim, and so on. . .
They went to prison, the house was locked. After a while, we were engaged in secret work. Qasim came from prison and Al-Shafie came. The first thing that Abdul Khaleq came to us. At that time, I didn’t have a strong connection with him. He said: The most important thing for us is to secure Qasim Amin. He lives in the best place, eats the best food, and all the party’s capabilities are harnessed under Qasim Amin. My friend Hamid Al-Ansari said to me: Brother, come with me to the railway station in there is somebody coming there and we will meet him. Who did you know about this man? I found that he was Qasim Amin, I went with him to Omdurman. I didn’t know the house at that time. Omdurman in the Al-Umda neighborhood. When I came to see him, he said to me: You cannot sit here for seven days until we bring to Qasim a call. And someone has to provide his food. “Then, leaving the house is dangerous for Qasim. You must be here to secure Qasim because the people of the neighborhood do not know that there is anyone in this house”. I stayed with him for seven days after that our connection with Qasim became very strong. From this house, Abdul Khaleq said send his to a better place. We moved him to the Al-Zohour neighborhood in Khartoum. This second house was a very beautiful house with very good housing and a very good cook.
Al-SharifAl-Hindi said to Mohamed Nour: O Wad Hamad, Um Maryoum before the gift, please…
(Intervention: You told me that Abdul Khaleq had close relations with?) Mohamed Tawfiq has very strong relations. The closest person to him was Nuqdallah (the Ansari leader). Nuqdalla was very close to him. It is also said that Nuqdallah was searching for Abdul Khaleq (after July 22, 1971) in order to hide him. Daoud Abdul Latif is his very companion, Hamed Al-Ansari his very friend, and Souad Ibrahim Ahmed his very friend. Then his friend Mohamed Omar Bashir; He respected Mohamed Omar Bashir. (Intervention: And Hussein Al-Hindi?) Wow, this is a very strong, strong relationship. A very strong relationship. Abdul Khaleq loved him very much, and Al Sharif loved Abdul Khaleq. I mean, he was hiding in Abdul Khaleq’s house. Abdul Khaleq used to tell me, “Oh Mohamed Nour, bring food for this man”. Ammouna (Abdul Khaleq’s sister and his house mater before marriage), she didn’t know how to make the kind of food that suited him. At this time, this bridge (Shambat) was no longer there. We took food from Khartoum to deliver the it Al-Sharif. He stayed with Abdul Khaleq for four or five days. Al-Hundi said to me, “call for me Musa Al-Mubarak, and call for me Al- Rashid Al-Taher; They were meeting with her at Abdul Khaleq’s house. He had a very strong relationship with Al-Sharif. Even Al-Sharif once said to me: Oh Mohamed Nour, this country, if had a fortune, Al-Sayed Al-Siddiq Al-Mahdi would be alive and we would rule it. I, he, and Abdul-Khaleq would rule Sudan together (intervention: Do you Know about Al-Sharif?) “Many times, any time he says, “I’m going to Al-Managel, while he goes to Abdul-Khaleq. He was conspiring against Azhari. He was working to remove Al-Azhari himself (Intervention: Do you remember the story about cigarettes? Hasn’t Abdul Khaleq, ever talked to him about cigarettes?) “In this cigarette story, we were going to Ezzadeen Ali Amer, who invited us to have dinner at the Syrian Club”. We entered Al-Gezira Rest house. Al-Sharif came who had “heart disease”. He was a bit tired before that time. Izzaldeen said, “Brother, didn’t I tell you not to bring cigarettes.” He brought cigarettes. Who brought the cigarettes has to cast it away of pity for Al-Sharif. While we were walking, Al-Sharif did this to me,” he pointed with his finger to his mouth. I came back and brought him cigarettes. So he stood up and said to me, Wad Sheikh Hamad (Mohamed Nour, from the race of Hamad Wad Um Maryoum), “Please before the gift, I know you are rich, accept my gift”. He gave me a package like this in a situation that I was surprised. I started counting it and found it worth one thousand five hundred pounds. At that time Mazda Vehicle was for four hundred pounds! He gave me one thousand five hundred. Al-Hindi was living in Al-Gezira rest house. Abdul Khaleq visited him regularly and was very friend of him. When Abdul Khaleq criticized his budget (Al-Hindi was the Minister of Finance in 1968), he criticized it very harshly. Al-Sharif at the break said to me, “O Mohamedd Nour, by God, if I had not loved Abdul Khaleq, I would have torn him apart.” He knows that Abu Zaid Mohamedd Saleh’s people stole the budget and brought it to him.

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