
The Data War Ignites.. Umma National Party Disputes Come to Light

Sudan Events – Report

A state of restlessness and turmoil within the National Umma Party on the part of its membership since the outbreak of the war between the army and the Rapid Support Militia (RSF) . Perhaps the reason for the restlessness of the party’s supporters is the positions of the National Umma Party towards the ongoing war in the country and its involvement in the coordination of democratic civil forces, “Taqaddum,” which prompted prominent leaders to push a reform memorandum to the party leadership on the state of tension within the party which increased significantly following the appointment of the militia as a civil administration in the state of Al-Gezira, in which some of those appointed belong to the National Umma Party.
Explosion situation:
The step of appointing people belonging to the National Umma Party by the Militia in the new civil administration was met with widespread rejection among the party’s supporters because the militia committed atrocities that cannot be tolerated and those affiliated with the party cannot put their hand in the hands of the militia. The other matter is that the correct position of the party must move towards stopping War and achieving sustainable peace.
All of these data were preludes to the explosion of the situation within the party when the differences between the leaders of the national Umma came out into the open and without ambiguity.
A data war broke out between the party’s leader, Rabah Al-Sadiq Al-Mahdi, and the party’s General Secretariat.
Staining the party’s face:
The assistant head of the National Umma Party, the acting rapporteur of the Coordination Council, Rabah Al-Sadiq Al-Mahdi, disavowed statements published on the party’s official page.
Rabah said in a statement that the National Umma Party’s unanimous decision since the outbreak of the damned April 15 war is to reject it and seek to stop it, build a broad civil front for that, and take the same distance from both sides of it.
She added, “The National Umma Party’s statements contained on its documented page violate the party’s decision, and those responsible for them should be referred to party accountability. Before that, they were referred to popular accountability, and any comments on them realize that they are far from the conscience of the party and its rules.”
Rabah indicated that the last statement that she published on her page was issued by the Coordination Council to respond to people’s questions about the accuracy of the percentage of participants in the Rapid Support Department in the Gezira State to the party, and with its balanced language and its distance from the mood of anger that swept many of the party’s grassroots due to the violations committed in the Gezira State, except that did not find its way to publication on the official page under the flimsy pretext of the illegality of the Coordination Council meetings.
She continued, “Did the recently issued statements about the armed forces’ bombing of El Fasher, or the military intelligence’s arrest of some loved ones, or comment on Kabbashi’s statements require legitimate meetings? Why did the page administrators not take the initiative to achieve the required positive neutrality by issuing a statement condemning the Rapid Support shooting of beloved Political Bureau member Hisham Azaza while he was defending his land in the village of Azaza, or to condemn the horrific violations in Gezira State in general, or at least disavow our participation in these atrocities through… the administration composed of some party members?
Rabah added, “I say with full responsibility that the statements issued do not represent the National Umma Party and stain its face by remaining silent about the violations of one party and focusing only on the violations of the other party, and the day of reckoning for them will come soon, God willing.” Even then, I disavow it, as many have preceded me who were harmed by that crooked path.”

She pointed out that the party’s firm position is with positive neutrality, a position that departs from the mood of polarization and mobilization that is prevailing on the scene now, but it is the only sane and possible way for us to succeed in approaching the two parties and push them towards peace, and faith is weaker if we cannot not be part of the flood of hatred that has spread across the country. Just as war begins with words, peace begins with words.
Response to accusations:
On the other hand, the General Secretariat of the National Umma Party quickly issued a statement responding to Rabah’s accusations.
The National Umma Party said, “The Coordination Council is an institution for coordination between the party’s institutions (the presidency – the political bureau – the general secretariat – the head of the control body – the head of the central body and its rapporteur), and in accordance with the constitution. Its responsibility is to coordinate between the bodies and take emergency decisions in the absence of the political bureau. The council only meets at the invitation of the Party’s President and in the presence of representatives of institutions, especially the President, the Political Bureau and the General Secretariat.”
It stressed that the recent meetings of the Coordination Council were illegitimate because they were not held at the invitation of the acting President of the party and the institutions of the Political Bureau and the General Secretariat did not participate in them, and attendance at them represented only by part of the membership of the Coordination Council. Acting PPresiden Fadlallah Burma Nasser also confirmed its illegitimacy and annulled its decisions until consultation with the rest of the bodies.
He stressed that the rapporteur of the Coordination Council has no legitimacy to issue any statement in the name of coordination because it is not authorized to do so, and it is a rapporteur concerned only with coordinating meetings and internal arrangements related to the Coordination Council, and there is no such thing as a rapporteur of the Coordination Council in the party’s constitution. The statement that was published under the title (A Statement for the People) did not pass by the institutional frameworks, was not issued by a legitimate meeting of the Coordination Council, and was not presented to the heads of institutions – despite its good content – and due to the General Secretariat’s keenness on institutional work, it postponed its publication for further consultation in order to consolidate institutional work.
He added, “Rabah Al-Sadiq, the president’s assistant, issued a statement entitled (Statement and Disavowal). This statement sidesteps reality and abstract facts. If Rabah had reviewed the party’s official page, she would have found many statements in which Rapid Support violations were condemned, including a statement dated March 2 about the Al-Hassahissa events that preceded it.” A statement dated February 28 was also a condemnation of what the villages of Gezira are being exposed to, and in this statement the party stated that it is following the events in the state of Gezira despite the difficulty of communications.”
The party said that its declared position on this war is binding on everyone, which is not to support any party, and to commit to complete neutrality between its two parties, and added, “Attempts to stigmatize the condemned forces with their bias towards rapid support are nothing but attempts to confuse the correct position on this war from the voices that belong to the dissolved National Congress, which ignited the war and wants to stigmatize the civil forces by supporting a party to criminalize them, as part of it plan to mislead public opinion and abort the glorious December Revolution. It is also trying to find legitimacy and a foothold in the future of the country and the upcoming political process without fulfilling its national rights required by the December Revolution, which is something we will stand by by stating the clear, abstract facts. “Everyone has a clear conscience.”
It continued, “The Secretary-General is the official spokesman for the party, and he does not issue any statement without the approval of the acting president and the head of the political bureau. The General Secretariat also confirms its keenness to protect the institutional work in the party in accordance with the constitution and regulations.”
Conviction of crimes:
On the other hand, sources close to the National Umma Party say that the party’s joining (Taqaddum) and positions the latter towards not condemning the militia’s crimes committed against citizens, except for a statement it issued on Saturday, in addition to the militia’s appointment of people belonging to the party in the civil administration of the state of Gezira without the party’s leadership taking a decisive opinion. towards the matter, which precipitated the explosion of the situation within the national Umma Party.
Sources indicate that there is a division into two trends within the National Umma Party, the first led by Lieutenant General Siddiq, who supports the army, and the other trend supports the Taqaddum Coordination.

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