
Minawi Movement condemns militia attacks that left dozens deaths in Darfur

Events – Follow-ups

The Sudan Liberation Movement SLM led by Minni Arko Minawi, condemned the incidents of the horrific attack carried out by the Rapid Support RSF militia on multiple villages in the west of the city of El Fasher, where the rebel Rapid Support Forces RSF and their allied militias committed a major massacre that led to the killing of more than fifty people, wounding dozens of them, and burning the villages.
The looting of their property and the systematic displacement of their residents.
In a statement on Sunday, in the name of the movement’s official spokesman, Sadiq Ali al-Nur, the movement held the Rapid Support Forces RSF and its allied militias responsible for these crimes and grave violations against civilians, and indicated that the continuation of these violations in an organized and systematic manner in the various villages and cities of Darfur since the outbreak of the April 15 war indicates that these The militias want real demographic change, not in North Darfur, but in all of Sudan, and this carries dangerous implications and indicators that affect security and stability, not in Darfur, but in all parts of Sudan.
The movement condemned the attack on relief convoys belonging to UNICEF and the World Food Program WFP and the endangerment of their lives, and considered it a dangerous development that exposes the lives of millions of residents of the region to the risk of famine and death. It called on the United Nations, the Security Council UNSC and organizations that sponsor human rights to shoulder their moral responsibilities, condemn these militias, hold them fully responsible, and conduct an investigation. International, because its silence gives the green light for these militias to continue committing these crimes, knowing that such violations and crimes do not have a statute of limitations.

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