
Head of the Popular Resistance to “The Investigator”: We step with the army until the last inch of the homeland is liberated

Head of the Popular Resistance to “The Investigator”:
We step with the army until the last inch of the homeland is liberated, and I do not see a better job than this

Investigator – Abdullah Makki

Mr. Azhari Al-Mubarak, head of the Popular Resistance, said in an interview conducted with him by “The Investigator” The reader will see it on the Interviews page, that the money that was provided to support the armed forces in the current battle of dignity did not come only from big businessmen, but it also came from ordinary people without any sorting; Farmers, merchants, professional craftsmen, women and youth contributed to it.
He stressed that the popular resistance rose to support the armed forces and will continue until the country is liberated from the rebels and any intruder and criminal who came to steal the land, spoil it, usurp the honor, and destroy citizens’ property. He added that the resistance works under the auspices and management of the armed forces, and that the weapons in its possession are distributed to the fighters under the full supervision of the army. “The day the war ends and we expel all the invaders and rebels, we will hand over our weapons to the army and devote ourselves to our agriculture, our trade, and building and serving the country.” Those who raise fears about our weapons should look for other arguments.
Regarding the structuring of the popular resistance, Mr. Azhari Al-Mubarak stressed that this comes “for greater order and organization, as Sudan is a large country, and its administrative division has different levels of states, localities, administrative units, regions, neighborhoods, divisions, and sub-villages areas.” Therefore, the matter of the popular resistance must be arranged in light of that,” pointing out A law will be issued to regulate the work of the popular resistance, as well as a number of regulations and administrative systems will be issued.
The head of the popular resistance denied any connection to political action, and said: “We are a popular armed resistance. Our job is to support the armed forces with men and money and stand with them until the last inch of the country is liberated. And the day the war ends, we will return to our work,” adding, “As our job was to mobilize the people.” To fight with the armed forces and support them financially, in kind, and morally. Our slogan after the end of the war, God willing, will be (mobilization for reconstruction).

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