
Red Crescent: Sudan cannot be left to turn into a forgotten crisis

Events – Follow-ups

Secretary General of the Sudanese Red Crescent SRC Aida Al-Sayed Abdullah, said that they “deployed 4,000 volunteers from all over the country to provide first aid and extend a helping hand to evacuate the wounded.”
She added in a statement, “Our employees and volunteers distribute food aid and basic materials to those in need, provide psychological support, and search for missing persons.”
She added, “We urge the international community to increase support to help us meet the urgent needs of local communities besieged by the conflict.
We cannot let Sudan turn into another forgotten crisis.”
The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) and nine participating National Societies (the Danish Red Cross, the German Red Cross, the Dutch Red Cross, the Norwegian Red Cross, the Qatari Red Crescent, the Spanish Red Cross, the The Swedish Red Cross, the Swiss Red Cross, and the Turkish Red Crescent) in partnership with the Sudanese Red Crescent SRC to protect those affected by the ongoing conflict in Sudan and natural disasters and extend a helping hand to them.
The Sudanese Red Crescent Society, with its partners, played a pivotal role in providing basic medical assistance to hospitals, providing relief to the displaced and their host communities, and reuniting families separated by the unrest, facilitating telephone conversations between separated family members.
The Sudanese Red Crescent Society was able to provide support to thousands of those affected most in need by reaching all parts of the country.
In addition to urgent assistance, the Movement’s contribution to the response extends to financial and in-kind support to the Sudanese Red Crescent, as well as providing technical advice and enhancing capacity building.
The International Federation launched an emergency appeal at the International Federation level to raise 60 million Swiss francs to support the continuity of the work of the Sudanese Red Crescent, in addition to expanding the scope of its life-saving humanitarian response in the country.
The International Federation also launched a “Regional Population Action” appeal, seeking 42 million Swiss francs to support the humanitarian responses and activities of National Societies in neighboring countries such as Egypt, Chad, South Sudan, the Central African Republic, Ethiopia and Libya.

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