
(The Democratic Bloc) and (Takhati) Call for a comprehensive National Dialogue

Events – Follow-ups

A meeting of the Forces of Freedom and Change FFC (Democratic Bloc) and the National Line Alliance (Takhati), on Monday, in the Egyptian capital, Cairo, discussed a number of national issues and the political current in the country.
The two parties agreed on the necessity of all civil political parties sitting together in a comprehensive national dialogue led by the Sudanese that establishes a new phase in the country’s history, ends the war, addresses its effects, and achieves peace, stability and democracy.
The two parties stressed the need to support the country’s legitimate institutions, especially the Sudanese Armed Forces, in performing their duties as they carry out their duty to protect the homeland and the citizen and preserve the unity of Sudan and its people.
The meeting condemned the serious violations against citizens in various parts of Sudan by the Rapid Support RSF Janjaweed militia, and the meeting decided to use whatever mechanisms it could to enforce the principle of non-impunity.
The meeting appealed to international parties to the need to help the Sudanese people and extend a helping hand to them in their ordeal, and praised the role of countries, especially neighboring countries, which did not stop helping Sudanese refugees.
The meeting affirmed its support for the Jeddah Declaration, and urged the necessity of implementing it as an entry point to stop and end the war and achieve comprehensive peace, while working to develop the initiative with the involvement of some other sisterly countries.
The two parties affirmed the continuation of joint efforts and the development of this bilateral dialogue into a multi-dialogue that includes all national forces that support the legitimate state institutions and take a unified position against the violations of the Rapid Support RSF Militia, until they reach a national project and a new charter that will be the basis of the political process in the country.

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