
The President’s “Nos”, Full stop…a New Line, What do they Mean?

By: Adil El-Baz

As I see
Yesterday, President Al-Burhan delivered a short speech on the occasion of Eid Al-Fitr, full of great meanings, and within it was everything that the people need to hear and understand now that the vision adopted by the entire leadership has become clear.
In three lines in the introduction to the speech, the President summarized his basic message (I assure you, the people of Sudan, that we are determined and will continue together on the same path and path of the martyrs until the last rebel and traitor is expelled from our land and every spot desecrated by the rebellion is cleansed.) This is precisely what the people want to hear and nothing else.
Then, through the speech, he quickly outlines his three meetings (No return to what was before April 15/ No return to what was before April 25/ No return to what was before April 2019). In what context can we understand them?
We can understand from the first that a new history began in the period after the 15 war launched by the Janjaweed and their henchmen in order to control the state. In short, it means No return to the framework agreement and everything in it and what those who adopted it represent and the visions, ideas and provisions it contains. Also, this “No” includes an implicit position from the external forces that were supporting the framework and trying to pass it through external pressures and still are. The framework and its supporters cannot Repeat that experience again.
What does H.E President mean when he says (there is no return to what was before October 25, 2022?) According to what I understand, he means the impossibility of restoring the army’s partnership with civilians who rose to power and hijacked the revolution and claimed to be the sole representatives of the people. That return to that scene now is impossible, especially after the betrayal of those pretenders and their bias towards their allies, the Janjaweed became clear in the war of April 15, 2023, which made them not only confront the army, but also the entire people. Therefore, it is impossible for these people to return to dominate the scene, whether in partnership or otherwise.
The third “No” is clear, and it indicates that there is no return to the Ingaz regime, meaning that there is no possibility of making room for one party to control power again except through free and fair elections, and that is a message to the Islamists and at the same time to those who fear the return of the Islamists as a result of war, internally and externally. Rather, they take from illusions of this return a tool to fight the army and intimidate the international community from their return to power if the army wins. These are all lies intended to gain the support of the international community and impose pressure on the military to remove the Islamists from the ranks of the mobilized.
One of the most important indications that came at the end of the short speech was his saying (Now only the battle of dignity / the battle of the homeland / Full stop …a new line). His saying indicates that now only the battle of dignity and that the much hype about negotiations and pressures no longer preoccupy the army leadership because it is now fighting the battle of dignity and only the showers of bullets and the sounds of cannons, and nothing is now louder than them, especially since those calls for negotiation are without basis or credibility after the very people who are adopting the calls have now been unable to impose Jeddah’s decisions on the rebels. Therefore, there is no voice now that is louder than the sound of cannons and the images of planes and drones and the heaven loud slogans of the soldiers, the mobilized and the Mujahideen. These are the only things that will be listened to now. They are the only voices of the Battle of Dignity that deserve to be heard now.
The president’s talk about the battle of the homeland is not a repetition of the meaning of the battle of dignity, as the battles of the homeland do not end with the end of the battle of dignity, but rather will extend to the areas of reconstruction and the rebuilding of all that the war destroyed, and what battles they require of stronger determinations than the battle of dignity.
What I understood from his statement is a point of a new line… a call to stop empty chatter at a time of battles for dignity and the homeland… Let us stop side conflicts, rumors and nonsensical talk and let us focus on our basic battles in restoring and building the homeland, and this is what is required and nothing else deserves the people to turn to it. Talking about the details about the plan, programs, and everything that will happen in the future, President Al-Burhan left it until after the victory in the Battle of Dignity, which the President sees coming soon.
How the people respond to those words and positions is what will determine in which direction the Battle of Dignity and the Battle of the Homeland will go afterward. The correct position is to continue supporting the armed forces until the end of the Battle of Dignity and defeat the rebels and mercenaries, then prepare at the same time for the battle of building the homeland, and this is what deserves to be fought for. All sectors of the people are to formulate a clear vision and road map for the future.

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