
UN: 1.8 million Sudanese fled outside the country

Events – Agencies

United Nations UN announced that about 1.8 million people have fled across the country’s borders since the outbreak of fighting, while 6.7 million others have been displaced from their homes, but are still in Sudan.
“One year later, fighting in Sudan is still raging, with the country and its neighbors experiencing one of the largest and most difficult humanitarian refugee and displacement crises in the world,” said Olga Srado-More, spokesperson for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees UNHCR
“The ongoing conflict has devastated people’s lives, filling them with fear and loss,” Srado-More told a press conference in Geneva on Tuesday.
Attacks on civilians and conflict-related sexual and gender-based violence continue.”
She added: “Sudan witnessed the almost complete destruction of its urban middle class: architects, doctors, teachers, nurses, engineers and students lost everything.”
“Thousands of people cross the border every day as if the crisis began yesterday,” Sarrado-More said.
She added, “Those fleeing the country, most of whom are women and children, arrive in remote areas across the border “with almost nothing or very little and are in dire need of food, water, shelter, and medical care.”
She continued, “As the conflict continues and the lack of assistance and opportunities worsens, more people will be forced to flee Sudan to neighboring countries or move further, risking their lives by embarking on long and dangerous journeys in search of safety.”

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