
Al-Burhan: The State will be run by those who Faced the militia’s violations

Events – Follow-ups

President of the Sovereignty Council TSC and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces SAF Lt.Gen.Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, said that everyone realized that the terrorist Rapid Support RSF militia must be completely eliminated.
He added, while addressing the citizens of the Umm Shajara area in Gedaref, on Wednesday, “People must be reassured that the armed forces SAF with the support of the popular resistance and the ( popular resistance) Mustafarin, are capable of ending the rebellion and defeating this terrorist militia.
He affirmed that the people knew, through their experience of the dignity battle who supported them at home and abroad, and they also knew who betrayed them and stood against them.
He added, “Anyone who stands against the people will have no role in running the Sudanese state in the future,” and affirmed that they will not hand over the command of the state. to any internal or external party, stressing that the state will only be run by those who have withstood the injustice and violations of this rebel militia.
He added, “Our next Eid, Allah willing, will be without Janjaweed or mercenaries.”
Al-Burhan said that the people of the East have just issues, and we are aware of them and we will work to solve and address them.
Al-Burhan affirmed his great believe in Allah victory soon, stressing that the battle against the terrorist Rapid Support RSF militia will end with the victory of the armed forces SAF.

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