
“UN Adhoc Commission :We investigate on attacks on civilians and obstruction of aid in Sudan

Sudan Events – Agencies

United Nations Adhoc Mission on Sudan today affirmed the need for the warring parties in Sudan to adhere to an immediate ceasefire, end attacks on civilians, and ensure unimpeded humanitarian access to millions of people in desperate need, as the deadly conflict enters its second year.
The head of the independent international Adhoc mission on Sudan, Mohamed Chandi Osman, said, according to (Al-Tagheer): “It is time for this destructive war to stop, and the warring parties must immediately put an end to all acts of violence, including sexual violence, and hold perpetrators of gross human rights violations accountable for their actions.
Osman added: “The warring parties in Sudan are legally obligated to protect civilians, but they have not shown a serious commitment in this regard. “We are now investigating disturbing reports of repeated attacks on civilians and civilian infrastructure, including hospitals and schools.”
The Adhoc mission noted reports of attacks on aid convoys and infrastructure, in clear violation of international humanitarian law.
Mona Rishmawi, an expert member of the mission, said: “Relief agencies continue their work despite the attacks on and looting of humanitarian convoys, humanitarian personnel, and humanitarian warehouses.”
Rishmawi added: “We are also investigating intentionally obstructing humanitarian aid directed to civilians in areas controlled by the other party.” Parties to the conflict must ensure that humanitarian assistance is facilitated safely, freely and unhindered access to civilian populations in dire need.”
“We will witness a disaster if rural people cannot safely remain on their land to grow their crops or take care of their livestock,” said Joy Esiello, an expert member of the mission.
The Adhoc mission took note of the upcoming international humanitarian conference for Sudan and neighboring countries, scheduled to be held in Paris on 15 April.
The mission hopes to address the massive funding shortfall from donors soon, as funding has so far only covered six percent of the estimated $2.7 billion required to address the crisis.
The mission experts indicated that the warring parties in Sudan did not respond to the United Nations Security Council’s call to stop hostilities during the month of Ramadan. The mission called for an immediate ceasefire and urged commitment to a comprehensive peace process.
The mission experts also called on UN member states to exercise their influence over the warring parties to stop the fighting and immediately bring peace, justice and democracy to Sudan.
The mission’s experts reiterated the need to ensure accountability, and stressed their commitment to fulfilling their mandate to establish the facts, conditions and root causes of all violations committed in the context of the conflict, and to identify the individuals and entities responsible for them.
He added, “The Sudanese people have endured enough, and the warring parties must find a path to peace and respect for human rights in Sudan.”
It is noteworthy that the Human Rights Council established a fact-finding mission in October, and one of its main tasks is “to investigate all violations and abuses of human rights and violations of international humanitarian law, including those committed against refugees, and related crimes in the context of the ongoing war that began in Sudan in April 15, 2023, and establish the facts, circumstances and root causes thereof.”
The President of the Human Rights Council appointed the three experts as members of the mission.
He also requested the mission, which was established for an initial period of one year, to collect and analyze evidence pending any future legal proceedings; Identify individuals and entities responsible for violations, where possible; And provide recommendations aimed at ending impunity, ensuring accountability and access to justice for victims.

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