
Saudi Arabia Complains about UAE to the United Nations

Events – Follow-ups

The Saudi Ministry of Foreign Affairs submitted a complaint to the Secretary-General of the United Nations against the UAE.
Saudi Arabia’s complaint, which it delivered to the United Nations through its Permanent Mission, included its rejection of the UAE Emiri Decree No. (4) of 2019 regarding declaring the Al Yasat area a marine protectorate.
Saudi Arabia confirmed its rejection of this declaration, does not take it into consideration, does not recognize any legal effect of it, and adheres to all its rights and interests in accordance with the border agreement concluded between the two countries on August 21, 1974, which is binding on both parties in accordance with international law.
In the complaint, Saudi Arabia confirmed that it does not recognize any measures or practices taken or their consequences by the UAE government in the maritime area off the Saudi coast, including the territorial sea of ​​Saudi Arabia and the area of ​​joint sovereignty between the two countries and on the islands of Makasib and Al-Qafai, and they do not create any right for the UAE and do not affect Saudi Arabia’s rights and interests.

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